  • 學位論文


Foreign Policy of Hugo Chávez (1999-2008)

指導教授 : 韋淑珊


九零年代初期,委內瑞拉的經濟狀況一直低迷不振,人民不滿的聲浪也持續高漲。查維茲於1992年發動政變失敗而入獄數年,出獄後查維茲開始參與政治活動,創立了左翼政黨「第五共和運動」。他以拯救委內瑞拉的大量貧窮人口為號召,並於1998年當選總統。 1999年,查維茲提出「委內瑞拉的國家經濟與社會發展計畫」,計畫中提到委內瑞拉面臨的挑戰有:分散國家的經濟出口,同時處理社會問題,並提升窮人的地位。而發展計畫同時列出五項外交政策的主要目標:提倡多極世界、促進拉美整合、鞏固並多元化委內瑞拉的外交關係、提倡新的西半球安全體系以及強化委內瑞拉於世界經濟的地位。、 至2008年,查維茲執政已屆滿十年,本篇論文以建構主義觀點,探討影響查維茲外交決策因素,同時結合實際情況,分析其政策的影響和障礙。


In the February 1992 coup, Hugo Chávez, a former paratrooper, attempted to overthrow the government of President Carlos Andres Perez as anger grew against the President's economic austerity measures. Chávez was unsuccessful and landed up in jail. In 1998, Chávez was elected as the president of Venezuela. The outlines of Venezuela’s development policy are laid down in the new Constitution, introduced by the Chávez government in 1999, as well as in the National Economic and Social Development Plan for 2001-2007 (Líneas Generales del Plan de Desarollo Económico y Social de la Nación 2001-2007), which defines the principal challenges facing the country as (i) the need to diversify its economy and (ii) to deal with social challenges and the rise in poverty. The development plan lists five main objectives for its foreign policy as: (i)promote multi-polarity, (ii)promote Latin American integration, (iii)consolidate and diversity Venezuela’s foreign relations, (iv)promote a new regime of hemispheric security, (v)strengthen Venezuela’s position in the international economy After 10 years of taking power, Chávez has reached some progress. The main objective of thesis is to analyze the possible factors that affect Hugo Chávez’s decision in his foreign policy, combine the happening facts and point out the opportunities and obstacles.


C. Internet Resources
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