  • 學位論文


Media and the construction images of the museum – a case study of NPM Southern Branch in 2009-2015

指導教授 : 許傳陽


本研究希望了解台灣媒體(聯合報、中國時報)自2009到2015年間如何再現故宮南院的相關報導、議題進行分析,並觀察媒體中的寫作框架,以博物館為媒介,闡述媒體文本如何詮釋地方與中央之間的權力關係。 本文透過引援van Dijk提出質性的論述分析方法,探究故宮南院的形象再現為何,並透過全球知名博物館的實例作為比較對象,以宏觀的視野檢視國內媒體在報導博物館議題管理,與報導過程概況與影響。 研究發現兩家報媒呈現故宮南院的報導,內容及主題性多趨向於觀光層面、政治層面以及娛樂性及具有商業價值的考量的報導為主。此外,本研究觀察新聞產製再現中央與地方之間的關係,媒體的議題設定,經常是以採納院方或權力單位的發言意見,在權力不平衡的關係之下,地方的角色往往只能以權力單位的主觀陳述、片面的方式再現。 在本文觀察媒體的報導後,發現故宮南院在初期的規劃,未能將地方性資源與特色結合故宮南院的定位,導致在興建過程中,不斷改變博物館的定位,以至於引發社會的負面觀感與地方的反彈。另一方面,本文以全球其他博物館做以借鏡,本研究建議國內博物館未來應強化宣傳管道及策略,透過更多元的方式定位以貼近與觀眾之間的距離,同時可避免受到主流媒體在各種權力因素下,再現博物館新聞議題框架的影響力。


This study aims to understand how Taiwan media [United Daily News] and [China Times] reproducing stories of NPM Southern Branch analysis in 2009-2015, and observe the media writing framework, use the museum as a medium, to explain how media represents the authority relations between the center and local. In this thesis, through qualitative discourse analysis proposed by van Dijk, to explore the NPM Southern Branch of the image reproducing, through the world-renowned museums as examples for comparison, viewing domestic media reports museum issue management from a macro vision, and framing process. The study found the reports of NPM Southern Branch by the two newspaper media, the content tends to be more tourist level, political level as well as entertaining stories based. Museum management tend to persue the commercial value. In addition, the study observed that the news production system to reproduce the relationship between central and local topics media settings, often adopt the speaking or opinions of hospital or power units, under the of unbalanced authority relationship, often the role of local can only statement subjectively by power units, one-sided reproduce. After observing media reports, it's found that the NPM Southern Branch in the initial planning, failure to combine local resources and characteristics of the NPM Southern Branch Location, resulting in the construction process, constantly changing the orientation of the museum, that lead to negative social rebound perception and local government. On the other hand, learning from the world's other museums, this study suggests that the domestic museums should strengthen the promote exhibitions and strategies in the future, through more ways positioned to close the distance between the audience and, at the same time avoid the mainstream media under the variety factors of authority, reproducing the negative of museum News.


林明美(2007)。《以博物館作為都市振興的觸媒:以古根漢畢爾包分館為例》。博物館學季刊,21(2): 97-116
