  • 學位論文


A Study of The Relationships Among Consumer's Life Style、Green Purchase and Unethical Food Products.

指導教授 : 李培齊


提到黑心食品,以往都只會想到大陸,沒想到現在是一直持續不斷的發生在生活周遭。食安問題一直是新聞報導中關切的議題,從早期發生的病死豬,到近幾年來的違法食品添加物、塑化劑、毒澱粉、毒豆干、毒醬油、地溝油等事件,影響消費者健康甚鉅。其實生活中到處都有毒,在現代環境中生活,與各種毒素共存似乎是不可避免,只是看消費者如何趨吉避凶而已。 本研究主要想探討在食安風暴當中,對某些部分的消費者是否比較不會產生影響? 生活型態的不同使得食安風暴對某些消費者的衝擊較小?是否因為食品中所發現的毒素,使得消費者對綠色產品比較重視,因而去購買有機商品? 研究結果顯示在三個生活型態族群之中,有二個族群對綠色消費傾向產生顯著影響,因此部份支持消費者的生活型態會影響綠色消費傾向的假說。綠色消費傾向對購買到黑心食品可能性產生顯著影響,與假設綠色消費傾向會影響購買到黑心食品的可能性相符,為支持。消費者的生活型態會透過對綠色消費傾向而影響購買到黑心食品的可能性,在三個生活型態族群之中,只有二個族群會透過對綠色消費傾向而影響購買到黑心食品的可能性,因此為部份支持。


Not too long ago, China came into consumers’ mind when unethical food appeared in the market. Now unethical food is right around us in Taiwan. The subject of food safety had become a concerned matter in almost all types of mass media in Taiwan. At first it was the dead sick pigs, then there were illegal food additives, plasticizer, poisonous soy sauce and gutter oil. Those unhealthy, unethical food products present a horrendous negative effect on consumer health. Generally speaking, however, toxic elements found in food products are no surprise to our daily life. It is imperative for us to co-live with toxic elements in the modern world. Consumers just have to make smart choices to enjoy the good and avoid the bad. This study would explore whether some consumers could keep themselves away from the negative effects under food safety crisis. Would consumers’ life style exert an influence on the impact?Would toxic elements found in food products enhance consumers’ inclination of green consumption and, in turn, decrease the likelihood of purchasing unethical products? Results showed that two of the three life styles exert impact on consumers’ inclination toward green product consumption.Therefore, the hypothesis regarding the relationship between consumers’ life style and the inclination toward green consumption is partially supported. The hypothesis that the inclination toward green consumption would affect the likelihood of purchasing unethical food is supported. Finally, the impact of consumers’ life style on the likelihood of purchasing unethical food would go through consumers’ inclination toward green consumption is partially supported. Only two of the three life styles include such moderating effect.


