  • 學位論文

網路社交媒體創造產品造型享樂價值之探究 —以小麥家造型蛋糕為例

The exploratory study of creating product form as consumption hedonic value through online social media — An example of online store “Winnie Cake”

指導教授 : 黃哲盛


隨著資訊科技的發達與進步,網路社群媒體已成為現代人生活周遭密不可分的一部分。作為社群網站的必要元素、且大多應用在資訊瀏覽與資料蒐集的使用者創作內容(UGC, User-Generated Content),更扮演了使用者在下決策時不可或缺的參考依據。 背負沉重生活壓力的現代人,亦不惜以較多的金錢來換取生活當中的享樂價值。其中,吸引消費者目光的高質感精緻造型商品也在這種趨勢下越來越受到人們推崇,進而吸引了無數的業者投入其市場。另外,經濟部在2012年台灣B2C網路商店經營及調查報告中指出,國內前十大網路商店最常販售之商品類型,以食品特產奪冠。 基於上述背景,本研究以質性研究的內容分析法來探究在網路上販售、又以視覺效果作為亮點的食品業者,是如何創造消費者的享樂價值?而該價值經由網路社交媒介的分享與散佈後,能引起其他網友群的哪些享樂價值?藉由這一連串的分享與回覆後,消費者有無增加或是強化其享樂價值來作為本研究旨趣。 本研究發現消費者接觸到吸睛的造型食品時,會產生四種不同的消費者享樂價值,分別是生理愉悅、社交愉悅、心理愉悅及意識愉悅;當消費者對商品感到滿足、快樂,會透過UGC或是網路口碑的方式來分享他們的喜悅;消費者的朋友群看到與本研究商家相關的貼文,朋友群會產生生理愉悅、心理愉悅及社交愉悅;而消費者透過網路社交媒體的分享與散佈後,其原有的社交愉悅價值會產生強化的情形、而心理愉悅價值則是會產生增加或是強化的情形。


Thanks to the big and fast progress in the technology industry, online social media has become indispensable in our daily life. As a part element of the social network sites, User-Generated Content that is mostly applied to information exploration and collection also plays an important role for people’s decision making. To relieve from heavy pressure, people incline to spend more wages on those products or services with higher hedonic value. For this trend, elaborated design on any product form is a necessary consideration for manufacturers, doubtless to say in the food industry, since it is the most popular selling category through the online stores surveyed by the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2012. According to the above background, this study used Content analysis as the research method to explore the following issues from the online food store: 1. How does the designed food that primarily appeals to people’s sight create consumer’s hedonic value? 2. What communication does consumer’s hedonic value transmit on the internet? 3. What hedonic value do the keypals gain after they are disseminated by posters’ articles on the online social media? 4. What hedonic value does the initial poster gain or enhance after getting any response from the keypals on the net? The research finds that people gain physio-pleasure, socio-pleasure, psycho-pleasure and ideo-pleasure when they contact designed food. And when consumers are satisfied with the food design, they express their joyfulness via User-Generated Content or Electronic word-of-mouth. The keypals of the posters gain physio-pleasure, socio-pleasure, psycho-pleasure when they see hedonic articles on the online social media. Furthermore, when the initial posters get positive replies from their keypals, their socio-pleasure is enhanced, and the psycho-pleasure is enhanced or gained.


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