  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship among Consumer Characteristics, Life Style and Digital Home Acceptance–the Case of Taipei Metropolis

指導教授 : 陳瑞貴


由於網路建設的普及,網路得以應用至各人類生活的領域;智慧型家電的產生,更是為了將人類生活導向更加便利的模式,「數位家庭」即在這樣的趨勢下成為熱門話題。知名廠商如:微軟、新力、三星等皆投入數位家庭的發展以取得商機。在顧客導向的今天,了解消費者並針對其需求設計已成為重點,而以數位家庭為標的物之消費者研究在國內尚為不足。因此本研究乃從消費者個人特質及生活型態兩個角度,探討消費者不同之數位家庭接受程度。 而研究目的可歸納為以下四點:1.探討消費者不同個人特質對數位家庭接受度之關係;2.探討消費者不同生活型態對數位家庭接受度之關係;3.透過消費者個人特質與生活型態之分析,歸納出對數位家庭接受度之市場區隔,進而了解各區隔市場中不同之消費者特徵;4.提出對國內數位家庭產業發展之建議。 本研究採用問卷調查方式,針對大台北地區之消費者進行個人特質、生活型態對數位家庭接受度之調查。回收之有效問卷為541份,利用SPSS軟體進行資料分析,包括信效度分析、因素分析、集群分析、相關分析、描述性統計等;主要分析方法為卡方檢定,用以檢定本研究之各項研究假說。 研究結果顯示,個人特質與數位家庭接受度之假說為部份成立,不同教育程度、職業、科技態度、數位家庭認知與數位家庭接受度有顯著的關係,其餘則否。代表對數位家庭的接受會受到消費者本身特質的影響,但並非全部。而生活型態與數位家庭接受度假說成立,顯示不同的生活型態消費者,對於數位家庭接受度也呈現明顯的不同。藉此本研究乃歸納出數位家庭未來發展之不同市場區隔,文末並提出對相關產業未來市場區隔與行銷建議。


Attributed to the diffusion of network, net technology can be utilized in every field of human’s life. Additionally, the development of Smart Electrical Appliance makes human’s life more convenient and comfortable. “Digital Home”, under this trend, has consequently become a popular topic. Some well-known manufacturers such as Microsoft, Sony, Samsung and so on all join in developing Digital Home technology and take advantage of attaining commercial opportunity. In today’s consumer-oriented marketing, to understand your customers and design the products they need are key factors led to succeed. But there still not have sufficient research about consumer behavior under the theme of Digital Home in Taiwan, therefore this study tries to discuss the relationship among consumers characteristics, life style and Digital Home acceptance. The purposes of this study can be generalized in the following four points: 1.To discuss the relationship between different consumer characteristics and Digital Home acceptance. 2.To discuss the relationship between different life style and Digital Home Acceptance. 3.By the analysis of consumer characteristics and life style to generalize the market segmentation of Digital Home, and further to understand different consumer characteristics in each market segmentation. 4.To advance suggestions toward the related industries of Digital Home in Taiwan. This research adopted the method of questionnaire aimed at all consumers in Taipei Metropolis including Taipei City and Taipei County. Convenience sampling is used to retrieve 541 valid questionnaires. The Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS 10.0) system was utilized for the Reliability analysis, Validity analysis, Factor analysis, Cluster analysis, Correlation analysis, Descriptive statistics analysis, etc. The analytic method is Chi-square test, it is used to exam the hypotheses of this study. According to the study result revealed, the hypothesis of the relationship between consumer characteristics and Digital Home acceptance partly exist. Different level of education, occupation, attitude toward technology, cognition of Digital Home show obvious relationship with Digital Home acceptance, the others are not. It shows that Digital Home acceptance is influenced by some consumer characteristics, but not all of them. The hypothesis of the relationship between life style and Digital Home acceptance is exist, it shows that consumer in different cluster of life style appears different Digital Home acceptance. Therefore this study includes the market segmentation for the future development of Digital Home. The outcome of this study provides some suggestions for the related industries, its marketing and further research.


7.拓璞產業研究所(2003)。數位大未來-Digital Future。台北:拓璞科技股份有限公司。


