  • 學位論文


A Study of Engineering Insurance Co-insurance

指導教授 : 廖述源
共同指導教授 : 呂慧芬


保險業承擔社會團體大眾轉嫁危險的工具之一,其本身也需要透過風險之分散,以避免危險過度集中,而危及其永續經營之能力。保險市場之中各個專業保險人間,常透過彼此專業技術之結合運用,達到風險分散之目的。然其中共保之保險聯營,即為典型傳統聯合數位保險人之能量,合力承受特殊危險、巨型風險及其他無法自行承受的風險,而協助單一保險人危險分散之方式,也是目前其他國家之保險業所偏好使用的方法之一。 共保聯營於台灣已行之多年,保險業多利用該其制度方法以消弭分散巨災、抑制高度風險之危險、或配合政府保險政策設立之組織,對於其我國保險市場而言,具有其不可言喻之重要性。然保險聯營制度因譯名與共同保險類似,導致實務對於此兩種同為保險人危險分散之制度產生了概念性之混淆,因無法確實切割了解其區別,所以產生立法上之錯誤及實際運作上之爭議。 本研究以工程保險為題,試圖透過深入探討工程保險共保聯營制度,並比較其他類似方式,包括共同保險、再保險及交換業務等,以分析各制度之差異,了解其功能、運作及契約當事人之法律相關關係,並就我國保險聯營實務問題為探究與建議。基於上述研究,本文之目的有下列數項: (一)分析共保聯營之理論基礎,並就我國目前現有共保聯營組織之業務經營現況,作一有系統之介紹。 (二)分析工程保險採行共保聯營之理由,並針對現行制度之各項經營缺失,逐項予以檢討,並做為日後本制度修正之方向。


The insurance industry, as one of the tools for the community to pass on the risk, needs to be dispersed in order to avoid the risk of excessive concentration, and its ability to sustain business. Insurance professionals in the insurance market often use the combination of professional skills to achieve the purpose of risk diversification. Although the coinsurance insurance pool, which is typical of traditional energy digital insurance people, together bear special risk and huge risk and other unable to bear the risk, and help the single payer risk dispersion, one of the methods used by other countries preference is currently the insurance industry. Applying the pool in Taiwan has for years, the insurance industry by the method of the system to eliminate the risk of catastrophe, suppression of highly dangerous, or with the government insurance policy for the establishment of the organization, the insurance market of our country, the importance is ineffable. Although insurance joint management system due to translation and co insurance, resulting in practice for this two kinds of system with dispersion for insurance risk confusing concept, because they cannot really understand the difference between cutting, so the dispute in legislation and actual operation error on. In this study, engineering insurance, engineering insurance of insurance through in-depth study to the joint management system, and compared with other similar methods, including mutual insurance, reinsurance and exchange business, to analyze the differences of each system, understand the function and operation of the parties to the contract and the legal relationship, and Taiwan's Insurance joint venture to explore practical issues and suggestions. Based on the above study, the purpose of this paper is as follows: (一)The analysis of theoretical basis of joint co insurance, and China's current business association of current management of existing system, introduce a system of. (二) The reason analysis of engineering insurance pool and the coinsurance, according to the current system of management deficiencies, and to review one by one, the direction of amendments to the system after the date.


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