  • 學位論文


The right of self-determination in international law- Also discussing the development of self-determination in Japan and Taiwan

指導教授 : 胡慶山


自決的概念早在20世紀以前,人類自歷史產生殖民與殖民主義以來,便已存在。然隨著國人對自身相關權利保障,及國際間對人權的愈加重視,在《聯合國憲章》、《世界人權宣言》、《國際人權公約》等人權宣言與條約揭示後,國際社會逐漸由武力行使分離獨立轉由在聯合國和平分離獨立體制下,透過公民自決的方式、人民自決的方式,在不流血的自決分離獨立體制之下,於萬一之武力紛爭時,如何在聯合國憲章之自衛權下合法地使自決權能落實,而得以獨立建國進行論述。 本論文亦兼論日本與台灣自決權之發展,檢討國際法的自決權根據,以促進全體公民自決的合法性與正當性。 本論文撰寫的主要目的在於,在於了解人民自決權與國家主權及不干涉原則的關係,以及對人民自決權利產生如何之影響?又如何對自決權的了解,而避免國際爭端與民族紛爭的擴大?藉此論文之研究,以期能對中華民國憲法增修條文第一條之人民自決權的行使,依國際法上行使權利範圍之根據,當權利可能遭受侵犯時能獲得具有指標性之啟發及影響。


The concept of self-determination has existed since the history of colonialism before the 20th century. As the compatriots have progressively attached importance to the protection of their own rights and the increasing attention to human rights among nations, however, the international community has turned the forceful separation and independence to the method of the citizen and people's self-determination under the UN’s system of peaceful separation and independence after the declarations and treaties of human rights, such as the "Charter of the United Nations," "Universal Declaration of Human Rights," "International Bill of Human Rights" and so on, have been laid bare. This study discussed how to found a country independantly with legally executing the right of self-determination under the right of self-defence in the Charter of the United Nations. In addition, this paper discussed the development of the right of self-determination in Japan and Taiwan and reviewed the basis of the right of self-determination in the International Law in order to promote the legality and legitimacy of self-determination of all citizens. The purpose of this study was to understand the relationships of the right of people’s self-determination national sovereignty and the principle of non-interference and how it affects people’s right to self-determination? And how to avoid the expansion of international conflicts and ethnic strife with understanding the right of self-determination? With the reaerch of this study, the author aimed to gain indicative inspirations and effects from the exercise of the right of self-determination in the Article 1, The Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China in accordance with the extent of exercising the right in the International Law when the rights could be possibly violated.


③許慶雄 李明峻 著,《國際法概論》,(臺北市:翰蘆圖書出版,2012年3月)。
④劉滌宏著,《從國際法看台灣人民的自決權》,(臺北市:新銳文創 出版,2018年1月)。
