  • 學位論文


Internet Use Behavior and Risk Factors of Common Mental Disorders

指導教授 : 邱政元


研究背景與動機:台灣民眾平均每日使用網路時間為197分鐘,為全球之冠。隨著網路普及與上網時數拉長,很容易造成網路成癮,甚至精神疾病。因此本研究欲探討上網行為對常見精神疾病的影響。 研究方法:本研究使用中央研究院台灣社會變遷基本調查2005年、2010年及2015年三年度的資料進行分析,研究變項分別為上網時數、社會人口學特質及健康生活型態;依變項為可能的「常見精神疾病」,並且使用SPSS 20.0套裝軟體與SAS 9.4進行統計分析。 研究結果::經多變量邏輯斯迴歸分析發現,與常見精神疾病呈顯著相關的變項有:上網時間為小於1小時v.s 1小時以上不到2小時、女性、年齡為30-39歲v.s 29歲以下以及40歲以上、宗教信仰為天主教和基督教v.s無宗教信仰、教育程度為國小(含)以下v.s國、高中和大學、收入狀況為無收入v.s 4 萬以上、抽菸習慣為每天抽半包以上的人v.s 不抽、運動習慣為沒有運動習慣的人v.s 有運動習慣的人。再針對上網時間為小於1小時的族群進行多變量邏輯斯迴歸分析發現,女性、年齡為30-39歲v.s 40歲以上、宗教信仰為天主教和基督教v.s無宗教信仰、教育程度為國小(含)以下v.s國、高中和大學、抽菸習慣為每天抽半包以上的人v.s 不抽,與常見精神疾病呈顯著相關。 結論:研究結果顯示台灣民眾上網時間小於1小時者、女性、年齡為30-39歲、宗教信仰為天主教和基督教、教育程度為國小以下、無收入、有抽菸習慣、以及沒有運動習慣的人與常見精神疾病呈顯著相關。


Background:The average daily online-surfing time for Taiwanese is 197 minutes, which is the highest in the world. The popularity of Internet and the increase of online-surfing time are very easy to cause Internet addiction and mental diseases. Therefore, this research is to discuss the influence of the online behavior on common mental diseases. Method:The research analyze the data of the Central Research Institute of Taiwan social basic change investigation in 2005, 2010 and 2015 and the research variables are online time, social demographic characteristics and healthy lifestyles. If the variable is the common mental diseases, it will use the SPSS 20.0 software package and SAS 9.4 in statistical analysis. Results:The multivariate cox regression analysis showed there was significant correlation of common mental diseases with some variables, which include online time is less than 1 hour v.s more than 1 hour but less than 2 hours, female, age 30-39 v.s under the age of 29 and above the age of 40 years, religious belief as a Catholic and Christian v.s no religion, primary school education (including) or below v.s junior high school, high school and bachelor education, no income v.s more than 40 thousand, smoking habits for smoking more than half a pack a day v.s non-smoking, people has no exercise habit v.s people has exercise habit. The multivariate cox regression analysis of people whose online time is less than 1 hours showed that female, age 30-39 v.s more than 40 years old, religious belief as a Catholic and Christian v.s without religion, primary school education (including) or below v.s junior high school degree, high school degree and bachelor degree, smoking habits for smoking more than a pack a day v.s do not smoke, which were significantly related to common mental diseases. Conclusion:The research results show that Taiwanese of online time less than is 1 hours, female, age 30-39, religious belief as a Catholic and a Christian , the level of education is below primary school, no income, smoking habits, and no exercise habits were significantly correlated with common mental diseases.


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