  • 學位論文


To Explore the Effects of Brisk-walking on Taiwan Adolescents’ Self-concept, Anxiety and Depression

指導教授 : 徐明儀


台灣青少年在教育制度不斷變革下,面臨沉重的課業和考試壓力,再加上父母對自己的期待、人際關係等。壓力造成台灣青少年每四人就有一人有憂鬱、焦慮的傾向,高達百分之三十的高中職學生自我價值感低落。根據Lazarus and Folkman壓力與適應理論,個體面對壓力會先經過認知的評估(例如自我概念)、調適的過程最後產生焦慮和憂鬱,這兩種情緒都與壓力長期威脅到個體的自我認同有關,而青少年正值自我概念的主觀化期發展自我認同。另外,台灣高中生普遍缺乏運動;過去的研究認為有氧運動可以有效提升自我概念、改善焦慮和憂鬱,而健走是屬於中等強度的有氧運動,低技巧性、低設備需求、低運動傷害的特性是十分適合學校推廣的團體運動。因此本研究想探討介入以學校為基礎的健走措施是否可以提升自我概念、改善焦慮和憂鬱以及健走是否可以透過提升自我概念來降低焦慮和憂鬱。本研究設計採前瞻性單組前後測,以方便取樣選取台灣中部某高中共64位受試者,在校介入12週健走措施,使用具有良好信效度的貝克兒童及青少年量表第二版中文版(BYI-II)於前測(0週)、中測(6週)、後測(12週),共三次重複性測量,並且測量前、後測的BMI、體脂率和腰圍。研究結果使用GEE (generalized estimating equation)分析,在控制人口學變項及中等強度運動量,發現隨著健走時間的增加,可以有效提升自我概念、降低焦慮和憂鬱(p=.017, p<.001, p=.001)。使用Sobel test 分析,發現自我概念對於改善焦慮有顯著的部分中介效果(Sobel Z=-2.41, p=.016)。因此在學校除了發揮校護的角色功能推行全校性的健走措施之外,針對低自我概念或是有焦慮或憂鬱傾向的學生,提供個別性的運動措施及諮商輔導,以促進心理健康。


健走 自我概念 焦慮 憂鬱 青少年 Lazarus理論


The policy of education transformed very often in Taiwan in the past decade. So the academic burden made adolescents under a very stressful situation. Other stressors included the expectation from parents, relationships and so on. There were one in four adolescents had the tendency of anxiety and depression and thirty- percent of them have low sense of self-worth. According to the Lazarus and Folkman stress and coping theory, anxiety and depression are two emotion types that will threat a person’s self-identity. Adolescent is being the subjectified stage of self-concept to develop self-identity. Generally speaking, high school students were lack of exercise in Taiwan. Previous studies showed that the aerobic exercise could elevate self-concept and improved anxiety versus depression effectively. Brisk-walking is classified as a moderate-intensity aerobic exercise which is suitable as a lifelong habit and requires minimal skill. Besides, the low incidence of sports injuries and few equipments needs are also the reasons of brisk-walking for promoting in high schools generally. The research aims are to investigate the effect of the brisk-walking on self-concept, anxiety and depression, and to explore the mediation effect of self-concept between brisk-walking, anxiety and depression. A prospective research design with one-group repeated measures was conducted. Convenient sampling was used to recruit 64 students in a high school at mid-Taiwan. Beck Youth Inventories- Second Edition (BYI-II) were used at pre-test , 6th and 12th week of the intervention period for 12 weeks. The measurement of BMI、body fat and waistline were taken on the pre-test and twelveth week. Findings included as time of the brisk-walking increased, statistically significant increased self-concept and decreased anxiety versus depression which was adjusted for the demography and the amounts of moderate-intensity physical activities by GEE(p=.017, p<.001, p=.001). Besides, self-concept had significant partial mediation between brisk-walking and anxiety by Sobel test(Sobel Z=-2.41, p=.016). Therefore, it is necessary to promote the brisk-walking programme to all students by exerting the roles of school nurses. It is also important to provide individualized exercise plans and the consultation to those who are low self-concept or have the signs of anxiety or depression.


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