  • 學位論文


Perceived Discrimination and Behavior Problems among Immigrant Children in Taiwan:The Moderating Role of Social Support

指導教授 : 楊浩然


研究目的:探討社會支持在新移民子女的行為問題與自覺歧視之修飾作用。 研究方法:本研究以大台中、彰化縣市、南投縣、雲林縣四地區共15所公立國小之新移民兒童為研究對象,總計納入107位新移民兒童進行分析。使用皮爾森相關來探討行為問題、社會支持和自覺歧視之間是否有相關性存在;社會支持對自覺歧視與行為問題之間的修飾作用以階層式迴歸分析進行檢驗。 研究結果:本研究發現,內化行為問題與自覺歧視(r=0.3422,p=0.0003) 呈現正相關;自覺歧視為行為問題的預測因子,自覺歧視越高,則行為問題越為嚴重。社會支持在自覺歧視-行為問題關係之間無修飾作用;另外,將社會支持進一步細分為家人支持與朋友支持進行分析,發現家人與朋友支持在自覺歧視與行為問題之間不具有修飾作用。 結論:新移民子女可以藉自覺歧視來預測其行為問題。社會支持對於自覺歧視與行為問題無修飾作用,則表示一但歧視的情況發生,家庭與朋友的支持並無法改善新移民子女產生行為問題的狀況。


新移民 兒童 行為問題 歧視 社會支持


Objectives: The aim of this study is examining the moderating effect of social support on the relationship between perceived discrimination and behavior problems in immigrant children. Methods: Participants were students derived from 15 elementary schools in Taichung City, Yunlin County, Chanhwa County and Nantou County. A total of 103 immigrant children completed questionnaire. The correlationship between social support and perceived discrimination and behavior problems was analyzed by Pearson correlation. The moderating effect of social support on the relationship between perceived discrimination and behavior problems was analyzed by hierarchical regression analysis. Results: Among immigrant children, internalizing problems showing positive correlation with perceived discrimination(r=0.3422,p=0.0003), and higher perceived discrimination scores can predict more behavior problems. Social support is not a mediator on the relationship between perceived discrimination and behavior problems. Conclusions: Perceived discrimination can predicts behavior problems of immigrant children. Social support has no moderating effect on perceived discrimination and behavioral problems, means discrimination occurs, the support of family and friends and can not improve the behavioral problems of immigrant children state.


immigrant children behavior problems social support


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