  • 學位論文


A Causative Study of Sensory Functions and Mobility on Falls in the Elderly

指導教授 : 葉志嶸 林惠生


隨人口結構改變,老人所佔人口比率日益提高,隨老化而發生跌倒事件,為我國老人事故傷害死亡之第二大死因。因此,跌倒防制為日益重要之公共衛生議題。 本研究以『台灣地區老人保健與生活問題長期追蹤調查』中,1999年及2003年之兩次追蹤訪查資料,以65歲以上老人為研究對象,來探討視力、聽力等感官功能及走路功能,與常使用輔助器對老人跌倒之影響。 研究結果顯示視力功能不好的老人較視力功能好的老人有1.9倍跌倒風險;聽力功能不好較聽力功能好的老人有1.6倍跌倒風險;走路功能不佳者較走路功能好的老人有1.6倍跌倒風險,均呈統計顯著性。 未戴眼鏡又看不清楚相較於戴眼鏡且看的清楚的老人有1.58倍跌倒風險;但戴助聽器與否則與跌倒無關。使用助行器後的老人,不管走路方便與否,相對於未使用助行其且走路方便的老人,有顯著的跌倒風險。老人各項體能活動障礙,亦與跌倒間存在顯著相關。 針對老人跌倒預防措施,建議應加強老人視力篩檢。而老人助行器之使用,應注意使用細節及正確性,防止因助行器使用,活動量增加而升高其跌倒風險。因此,需結合復健專業,透過不同層面介入,鼓勵老人活動,而降低老人因身體活動功能障礙而跌倒之可能性。


跌倒 感官功能 活動障礙 輔助器


The proportion of aging population is now greatly increased in Taiwan. Fall is a common problem in the elderly and is the second leading cause of death in this age group. It is now the major issue in public health. By using the result from “The survey of health and living problems in elderly in Taiwan 1999,2003” , this study investigate the relationship between vision, hearing ability, using walking aid and risk of fall in elderly. The result shows that there is 1.9 times risk of falling for those with poor vision, 1.6 times risk of falling for either poor hearing or poor walking ability in the elderly. There is 1.58 times risk of falling for elderly with poor vision without wearing glass, but there is no difference for the wearing of hearing aid and the falling. There is also a significant increase of risk of falling for those elderly using walking aid and poor physical condition. It is suggested that vision screening in the elderly population is crucial for the prevention of falling. The proper use of walking aid in the aged people required the coordination of rehabilitation department and the community to improve the safety of elderly in daily activity.


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