  • 學位論文


The Association Between Geriatric Syndromes and Death in Community-Dwelling Elderly

指導教授 : 王劼


背景與目的 台灣人口急速老化,老年人之相關問題日益受重視,老年症候群好發於老年人,雖然並非疾病,卻對老年人的身心及社會健康帶來不良影響,恐導致更嚴重的不良健康結果。而過去少有以多項老年症候群預測死亡之研究,更無研究檢視老年症候群嚴重程度及總數與死亡之關係。因此本研究之目的為探討各項常見老年症候群及其嚴重度與總數是否能預測死亡之風險,另外,本研究亦檢視罹患老年症候群之死亡風險是否會因性別與年齡層而有所不同。 方法 本研究為縱貫式世代研究,以行政院衛生署國民健康局「中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查系列」第五波調查及存活檔資料進行分析。選取65歲以上居住於社區,且非由他人代答以及重要變項無遺漏值者,樣本總計2,197人。以Kaplan-Meier Curve及Cox Proportional Hazard Model檢視老年症候群與死亡之相關性。 結果 台灣地區老年人大部分有1項以上的老年症候群,無任何老年症候群僅佔7.69%。控制樣本社會人口學變項及健康因素之後,整體而言身體活動功能限制、眩暈、認知功能損傷、3次以上跌倒為最顯著之死亡預測因子。男性老人有身體活動功能限制及視力障礙者死亡風險較高,女性老人有眩暈、認知功能損傷及跌倒者有較高的死亡風險。增加65-69歲老人死亡風險的症候為身體活動功能限制及跌倒,70-74歲為跌倒,75-79歲為身體活動功能限制,80歲以上老人為眩暈、身體活動功能限制及認知功能損傷。而憂鬱、身體質量指數、聽力障礙與死亡並無顯著關係,有疼痛及男性有失禁者死亡風險較低。 結論 未來政策應結合地區資源,發展統一之老年症候群測量工具,制定適合之老年症候群介入措施及相關政策,以落實健康老化。 關鍵字:老人、老年症候群、死亡、存活分析


老人 老年症候群 死亡 存活分析


Background & Objective Geriatric syndromes are prevalent among community-dwelling elders and may impact their physical, mental,and socal health. Past studies on the relationships bewteen geriatric syndromes and death had the following limitations: 1) Very few studies have investigated the association between multiple geriatric syndromes and death, 2) The associations between severity and total number of geriaric syndromes and death are not well understood, 3) It remains unclear whether the assocations between various geriatric syndromes and death differ between different gender and age groups Methods Data for this longitudinal cohort study came from 2003 wave and survival data of the Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan. After excluding persons younger than 65 years old, nursing home residents, proxy respondents, and those with missing data, the final sample contains 2,197. Kaplan-Meier Curve and Cox Proportional Hazard Model were used for data analyses. Results More than 92% of Taiwan’s community-dwelling elderly have one or more geriatric syndromes. Overall, functional limitation, dizziness, cognitive impairment, and falls are the most significant predictors of death. Men with functional limitation and visual impairment have a higher risk of death. Women with dizziness, cognitive impairment, and fall have a higher risk of death. The risk factors for death varies considerably among different age groups. Depression, low body mass index, and hearing impairment are not risk factors of death. Conclusion Intervention for geriatric syndromes should integrate local resources to develop simple yet comprehensive screening tools so elderly with geriatric syndromes can receive appropriate intervention to promote successful aging. Key Words: Elderly, Geriatric Syndromes, Death, Survival Analysis


Elderly Geriatric Syndromes Death Survival Analysis


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