  • 學位論文


The association of paternal involvement with adolescents’ life adjustment:Father-childrelationship as a moderator

指導教授 : 謝珮玲


本研究旨在探討父職參與、青少年生活適應和親子關係之狀況,父職參與對青少年生活適應之預測情形,以及親子關係在此預測關係中的調節作用。研究採問卷調查法,以國中生與其父親為研究對象,使用「父職參與量表」、「親子關係量表」,以及「青少年社會行為評量表」作為研究工具,有效問卷共428份。以SPSS 18.0 for Windows統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計分析、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關,及多元階層迴歸分析,主要研究結果如下: 一、 父職參與、青少年生活適應及親子關係狀況 (一) 父親自評父職參與頻率高於中間分數,其頻率由高至低依序為「生活照顧」、「關懷溝通」、「活動陪伴」;且父職參與會因「父親工作時數」、「父親職業類別」、「父親教育程度」、「父子(女)相處時間」、「母親教育程度」、「母親職業類別」、「子女年級別」或「子女出生序」而有顯著差異;父親每週工時高於32個小時、職業等級較高、教育程度較高、每日與子女相處時間超過一小時、母親教育程度較高、子女年級越低,或是子女出生序為「老大」時,父職參與頻率明顯較多。 (二) 國中生填答生活適應情形高於中間分數。其中,學業適應會因「性別」、「父親教育程度」或「母親教育程度」而有顯著差異。父母親教育程度較高之國中女生,學業適應較佳。在同儕關係方面,僅在「性別」變項有顯著差異,國中女生之同儕關係顯著優於男生。 (三) 國中生知覺的親子關係高於中間分數,其親密程度由高至低為「工具功能」、「一體感」、「回報壓力」、「認同感」、「依附感」、「被重視感」、「負向情感」、「權力落差」、「溝通品質」、「同理感」;且親子關係會因「子女性別」、「子女年級」、「父親職業類別」、「父親教育程度」或是「父母親婚姻狀態」而有顯著差異。國中女生的年級越低、父親職業等級越高、父親教育程度越高,或父母親婚姻狀態為「結婚」時,其親子關係顯著較佳。 二、 父職參與預測青少年生活適應之情形 (一) 整體父職參與對青少年子女的生活適應有顯著地預測力:父職參與的頻率越高,子女的生活適應越佳。 (二) 父職參與中的「活動陪伴」對青少年子女的學業適應有顯著的預測力:父親越常陪伴子女,子女的學習適應越佳。 (三) 父職參與中的「關懷溝通」對青少年子女的同儕關係有顯著的預測力:父親越常關懷子女、與子女溝通,子女的同儕關係越佳。 三、 親子關係在父職參與預測青少年子女生活適應上的調節作用 (一) 整體親子關係在父職參與預測青少年子女生活適應上沒有調節作用,然部分親子關係次因素可調節父職參與預測青少年子女生活適應之情形。 (二) 在父職參與的「生活照顧」與青少年子女學業適應的線性關係中,整體親子關係及「認同感」、「負向情感」和「回報壓力」等次因素具有調節作用。 (三) 在父職參與的「生活照顧」與青少年子女同儕關係的線性關係中,親子關係的「認同感」、「負向情感」、「同理感」、「回報壓力」、「一體感」和「溝通品質」等次因素具有調節作用。 (四) 在父職參與的「關懷溝通」與青少年子女同儕關係的線性關係中,親子關係的「回報壓力」和「一體感」等次因素具有調節作用。 (五) 整體父職參與和青少年子女同儕關係的線性關係中,親子關係的「依附感」、「認同感」、「工具功能」、「回報壓力」和「一體感」等次因素具有調節作用。 最後,本研究依據上述研究結果提出建議,作為父母親、家庭工作者,以及親職領域研究者之參考。


The aims of this study were to investigate the status of paternal involvement, adolescents' life adjustment, father-child relationship, as well as the association among these variables. The author also interested in how father-child relationship acted as a moderator in the relationship between paternal involvement and adolescents' life adjustment. Three questionnaires --“Father Involvement Questionnaire”, “Adolescent Social Behavior Scale” and “Parent-child Relationship Questionnaire” were applied. A valid sample of 428 adolescent-father dyads was obtained. The author applied SPSS 18.0 for descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results indicated as following: 1. On paternal involvement, adolescents’ life adjustment and father-child relationship: a The value of paternal involvement is higher than intermediate scores. The factor scores from high to low is “life necessity and care”, “concern and communication” and “leisure and gathering”. The degree of paternal involvement significantly different on variables of “father’s working time”, “father’s occupation level”, “father’s education level”, “father-child gathering time”, “mother’s education level”, “mother’s occupation level”, “child’s grade” and “child’s birth order”. That is, fathers got more involvement in parenting were those who work more than 32 hours a week, those who got higher education and higher job position. Fathers were more involved in parenting when they spent more than one hour a day in gathering with their children, when their partners got higher education and higher job position, when their children were in lower grade and first-born. b The value of adolescents’ school adjustment is higher than intermediate scores. The degree of school adjustment significantly different on variables of “gender”, “father’s education level” and “mother’s education level”. That is, girls and children whose parents were higher educated got better school adjustment. Furthermore, the degree of peer relationship significantly different on variables of “gender”. Girls got better school adjustment than boys. c The value of father-child relationship is higher than intermediate scores. Father-child relationship significantly different on variables of “child’s gender”, “child’s grade”, “father’s occupation level”, “father’s education level” and “parent’s marital status”. That is, father-child relationship of girls and lower grade children were better than others. When fathers got higher education or job position, and parents were in married status, the father-child relationship were better than other condition. 2. On relationship of paternal involvement and adolescents’ life adjustment: a Paternal involvement could predict adolescents’ life adjustment positively. The more paternal involvement, the better adolescents’ life adjustment were noted. b The “leisure and gathering” of paternal involvement could predict adolescents’ school adjustment. The more “leisure and gathering” time, the better adolescents’ school adjustment was noted. c The “concern and communication” of paternal involvement could predict adolescents’ peer relationship. The more “concern and communication” time, the better adolescents’ peer relationship was noted. 3. On the moderating effect of father-child relationship on paternal involvement and adolescents’ life adjustment: a Generally, father-child relationship couldn’t moderate the prediction effect of paternal involvement on adolescents’ life adjustment, while some factors of father-child relationship could moderate the association. b It was showed that “life necessity and care” of paternal involvement and three factors of father-child relationship had interaction effects on adolescents’ school adjustment. c It was showed that “life necessity and care” of paternal involvement and six factors of father-child relationship had interaction effects on adolescents’ peer relationship. d It was showed that “concern and communication” of paternal involvement and two factors of father-child relationship had interaction effects on adolescents’ peer relationship. e It was showed that paternal involvement and five factors of father-child relationship had interaction effects on adolescents’ peer relationship. Based on the above findings, the author made some suggestions for parents, family practitioners and researchers.




