  • 學位論文


Explore the outcomes and the affecting factors of work hardening on occupational accident workers.

指導教授 : 陳美香


背景與動機:因職業災害導致職業傷病的申請人次雖逐年下降,但每年平均仍有近五萬人因職業災害導致職業傷病,無論是職業傷害或職業疾病,往往都會降低勞工的生產力及生產品質。本研究希望從探討職業傷害勞工進行工作強化之成效及其影響復工之因素,未來可以針對這些因素作為職業重建應用策略,促進職業災害勞工復工率。 研究方法:本研究收集105-107年接受工作強化訓練之職災勞工名單,共有366位職災勞工接受工作強化訓練,以收集職災勞工基本資料、服務紀錄及追蹤紀錄,並以獨立樣本t 檢定、卡方檢定和二元邏輯斯迴歸分析哪些因子會影響職災勞工復工,以及分析職災勞工復工之差異性。 研究結果:在363名職災勞工中訓練結束後有85.1%復工,且後續追蹤一個月、三個月、六個月,職災勞工復工率有逐漸增加趨勢。年齡越大其復工率越高;搬運及抬舉進步幅度越高,其復工的機率越高;教育程度高之職災勞工,復工率相對較高;身分別與復工狀態有顯著相關;傷病診斷、傷病部位及活動耐力減損對於未來復工也有顯著的影響,但在迴歸分析中對於接受工作強化服務後,職災勞工是否能夠復工具有顯著之預測效果卻無法顯示其重要性。 結論:本研究結果發現,接受工作強化服務職災勞工之復工率每年約80%,且工作強化服務單位在接獲轉介後,皆能夠儘快地進行收案,其中已復工之職災勞工經工作強化訓練,職災發生後平均一年內可重返職場。工作強化訓練不僅可使職災勞工可以更快速且安全地重返工作崗位,對於職災勞工和雇主而言可以是雙贏的局面。


Background and Motivation : Although the number of applications for occupational injuries and illnesses caused by occupational disasters has been decreasing year by year , there is still an average of nearly 50,000 occupational injuries and illnesses caused by occupational disasters each year. Method : A total of 366 workers that received work reinforcement training in 105-107 were included in this study . Basic information , service records , and follow-up records of the workers were collected , and independent sample t-tests , chi-square tests , and binary logistic regressions were used to analyze which factors affected the return to work of the workers , and to analyze the variability of the return to work of the workers . Results: Among the 363 disaster workers, 85.1% of them returned to work after training. The older the age, the higher the return-to-work rate; the higher the improvement in lifting and transporting, the higher the return-to-work rate; the higher the return-to-work rate for workers with higher education; the significant correlation between status and return-to-work status; and the significant correlation between injury and return-to-work status. The diagnosis of injury, injury site, and impairment of activity endurance also had a significant effect on future return to work, but the regression analysis did not show a significant predictive effect on whether workers could return to work after receiving job-enhancing services. However, the significance of the predicted effect of the work reinstatement tool on the return to work after receiving the job-enhancing services was not demonstrated in the regression analysis. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the return-to-work rate of workers who received work reinforcement services was about 80% per year, and the work reinforcement service units were able to receive referrals as soon as possible, and the workers who returned to work after work reinforcement training were able to return to work within one year after the disaster. Work Reinforcement Training not only enables workers to return to work more quickly and safely, it is a win-win situation for both workers and employers.


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