  • 學位論文


The business strategy of postparturm caring center

指導教授 : 李亞欣


台灣面臨少子化時代,且產婦高齡化,衍伸頂級產後護理之家龐大商機,全台開發商及醫療機構紛紛投入坐月子市場。 2011至2019年全台共增加159家經衛福部合法立案之產後護理之家。本論文欲了解產婦對於產後護理之家各面向的期望值及評分,並提出未來產後護理之家的品質改善和未來營運方向。 研究方法: 本研究研究期間為2020一月至八月,共抽樣115名填寫完整的滿意度調查表,利用SPSS 17.0版進行統計分析,利用t檢定與ANOVA檢定進行產婦基本資料與各項滿意度之間的關係,研究進一步利用Tukey檢定進行事後檢定。另外使用SWOT分析,探討未來產後護理之家的優劣勢,進一步討論品質改善和未來營運方向。 研究結果: 入住本研究目標產婦的背景多為第一胎次,年齡介於30~34歲並職業為公教人員或醫療相關產業,住民入住產後護理之家滿足基本需求後,對於產後護理之家的服務內容有更多的期待。三大滿意度調查結果,各領域中人員服務態度皆為高分指標、顯示產後護理之家經營除基本的專業照護外,仍需培養人員的服務態度及客戶關懷等相關軟性服務。提供營養、安全、衛生的膳食的前提下,需注重提升菜品精緻度。會館客服人員身為客戶與構機之間的橋樑,服務熱忱與專業形象為客戶對於機構的第一印象。維持傳統坐月子的基本需求以外,持續提升服務品質會是未來產後護理之家經營策略的主軸。


Even if declining birthrate and advanced maternal aging are shaping Taiwan’s future ,luxury postpartum confinement market on rise. The huge business opportunities attracted the estate developers and the medical institutions raised the investments. According to health ministry data, from 2011 to 2019, the number of the official registered postpartum care centers has increased from 117 facilities to 276. This study, 115 people were sampled to fill out a complete satisfaction survey form, and SPSS version 17.0 was used for statistical analysis. The t test and ANOVA test were used to determine the relationship between basic maternal data and various satisfaction levels. The study further uses Tukey test for after verification. The most parturient who live in the target of this study are in the first parity, aged between 30 and 34 years old and are employed in public servant or medical-related industries. Residents who live in postpartum caring center expect more than the basic need. The results of the surveys show that the attitude is a highest score, indicating that in addition to basic medical care, the center still needs to cultivate nurse's service attitude. On the premise of providing nutritious, safe, and hygienic meals, attention should be paid to improving the delicacy of dishes. As the bridge between the customer and the center, the counter staff’s service enthusiasm and professional image are the customers' first impression of the center. In addition to maintaining the basic needs of traditional postpartum confinement, continuous improvement of service quality will be the future of the postpartum caring center.


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