  • 學位論文

洋酒於台灣在地化創新的行銷策略— 麥卡倫單一麥芽威士忌個案研究

Innovative Localized Marketing Strategy of Whiskey in Taiwan— Case Study: The Macallan Single Malt from 2002 to 2012

指導教授 : 樓永堅


台灣在1991年4月正式開放洋酒進口後,各家酒商齊聚一堂搶佔台灣市場,本研究欲探討2002年到2012年間,寰盛洋酒如何在以調和式威士忌為主的洋酒市場中,成功引進麥卡倫品牌(The Macallan)單一麥芽威士忌(Single Malt),並成為當時的銷售量冠軍;同時分析何種台灣市場與消費者特性,以及銷售市場中競爭者的概況,使得麥卡倫的在地化創新行銷策略得以成功。本研究採行個案研究法,訪談麥卡倫品牌的行銷部行銷經理,對於麥卡倫的行銷策略進行深度了解,以進一步探討該個案在台灣行銷創新的成功經驗。 本研究發現在台灣地區麥卡倫採取與蘇格蘭母公司不同的行銷策略,台灣地區將目標客群訂在群眾數量較少、追求自我實現的高端消費者,因為麥卡倫認為這些消費者追求與麥卡倫產品定位一樣的極致品質;創新行銷的部分則分成針對經銷商與消費者兩個部分,前者透過設立品牌大使,傳達品牌與產品的價值,後者包含品牌大使之外,也舉辦VVIP Dinner、冠名贊助、區隔廣告行銷、與高檔水晶聯名設計瓶身與廣告置入的異業合作、顛覆消費者預期心理的反向行銷活動、及增強品牌正面形象的公益合作。 本研究對於學術上的貢獻是更進一步歸納出三個關於麥卡倫單一麥芽威士忌可以維持長達多年銷售第一的原因:產品獨特性與優越性、正確的市場區隔、創新行銷策略。此次研究後,也對於業界競爭者與未來研究者提出建議,希望未來針對此議題的研究可以更加完善。


In early 1991, under the threat of section 301 action by the U.S. producers, Taiwanese authorities opened the market to imports of distilled spirits, causing many international spirits brands to move into the Taiwan market. This research focuses on how Maxxium Taiwan Ltd. successfully introduced its single malt whisky in Taiwan and became the leading brand in the competitive market. Moreover, through the analysis of the attribute of the Taiwan whisky market, consumers, and competitors, it is clear why Macallan were successful between 2002 and 2012. This research is based on a case study of Macallan highlighting an interview with their Marketing Manager to get a deeper understanding of the marketing strategies they used and to explore the success behind innovative marketing strategies. The research shows that Macallan in Taiwan used different marketing strategies from its headquarters in Scotland. For example, Macallan targeted a smaller population of consumers at the top of the pyramid who tend to pursue self-achievement. Furthermore, Macallan’s innovative marketing strategies were aiming at two audiences: dealers and consumers. The strategy targeting dealers includes hiring brand ambassadors to spread the value of Macallan’s brand and products. On the other hand, it not only hired brand ambassadors as well as used the following strategies: holding VVIP dinners, sponsorships in International concerts and forums, choosing segmented commercials, embarking on cross-industry alliances with high-end crystal producers and TV series, launching promotional activities beyond consumers’ expectations; and donating to charitable campaigns to enhance the Macallan brand image. The academic contribution of this research is to furtherly understand three reasons why Macallan maintained itself at the top of the single malt whisky industry: distinct and superior product, the right market segmentation, and innovative marketing strategies. Besides this analysis, this research also advises whisky competitors and future researchers of this topic to expand on the analysis offered by this research.


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