  • 學位論文

從返鄉實踐探討台灣都市原住民青年的部落地方認同 — 以七佳部落旅外青年參與七佳青年部落行動為例

Exploring Taiwan Urban Indigenous Youths’ Place Identity of Hometown Through a Collective Cultural Practice — a case study of urban Tjuvecekadan youths’ participation in the Tjuvecekadan Youth Project

指導教授 : 官大偉


自1960年代起台灣經濟起飛,隨之而產生的原住民人口移居都會區,都市原住民人口劇增。而各式各樣有關原住民移居都會區的數據之研究無法解釋旅外原住民青年與自身部落的連結。 就此,本研究以七佳部落旅外原住民青年參與七佳青年部落行動為例2015-2016, 以Massey的Sense of Place (地方感) 視角探究旅外原住民青年對其部落之地方感。 研究發現七佳旅外青年對七佳部落地方感形成有以下關鍵要素:第一、旅外青年在七佳部落與都會區的生活經驗而各別形成的社會關係啟發了他們對於七佳部落認同的需求。第二、七佳旅外青年對七佳家族成員的責任。三、傳統領袖家族之旅外青年皆認為為持續部落傳統文化,守護七佳部落的Vinqacan (祖靈屋)為重要之責任。 七佳部落的Vinqacan (祖靈屋),為部落重要具靈性之場域,連結當地族人與其祖靈間的關係,構成七佳部落地方感之重要元素之一。再者,Vinqacan (祖靈屋)連結人與靈界的社會功能,挑戰了認為地方是由“人”的社會關係構成的Sense of Place (地方感)理論。


In Taiwan, the population of urban indigenous peoples is growing at an unprecedented speed due to the economic boom after the 1960s. A variety of statistics on indigenous people’s migration to urban areas fail to explain indigenous young peoples’ connections with their hometowns. Therefore, the study addresses the dynamics of urban indigenous youths’ connections with a qualitative case study of the urban Tjuvecekadan youths’ participation in the Tjuvecekadan Youth project from 2015-2016. The study deploys Massey’s Sense of Place to analyze the urban Tjuvecekadan youths’ sense of their hometown, New Tjuvecekadan. The study finds the salient factors for the urban Tjuvecekadan youths’ sense of New Tjuvecekadan. Firstly, their social interrelations within and outside Tjuvecekadan inspired the youths to find an identity with New Tjuvecekadan. Secondly, they had familial responsibility in New Tjuvecekadan. Thirdly, in the continuation of local cultural practice, youths from a chief family regarded the vinqacan in New Tjuvecekadan as a place to safeguard. The vinqacan, a spiritual locality in New Tjuvecekadan, reveals humans’ connection with the spiritual world, constituting a significant sense of New Tjuvecekadan. Such phenomenon challenges Massey’s sense of place to be between humans to humans’ constellation of social interrelation.


All the Chinese Surnames are phonetically translated with the Wade-Giles System.
Chang & Lin張英華、林季平 (2008)。台北原住民族就業及生活狀況調查報告。臺北:台北縣政府原住民行政局。
Chang, Chu & Fu 章英華、瞿海源、傅仰止主編 (1995),《社會調查與分析:社會科學方法檢討與前瞻之一》,中研院民族所,頁150。
