  • 學位論文


The Identity of Palestine: Outer Symbolisation and Inner Dependency

指導教授 : 趙竹成


與以色列共享一片土地的巴勒斯坦,在二戰結束後就一直是國際社會無法解決的民族問題,國際政治情勢及區域政治現實,導致巴勒斯坦人民遲遲無法擁有一個真正的民族國家。在外部世界頻繁介入調解、以及巴勒斯坦內部積極爭取民族解放的進程中,民族認同的產生與凝聚成了重要命題,認同能夠彰顯及延續巴勒斯坦民族精神,亦能指引巴勒斯坦人民在未知的道路中前行。 本文將巴勒斯坦認同透過外塑及內發雙向架構的途徑,並透過認同理論加以研究,分析民族認同如何在歷史及政治的進程中運作。外塑性認同為從國際社會由外而內,所建構偏向政治性的巴勒斯坦認同符號,而內發性認同則是從巴勒斯坦內部社會由內而外,所外顯及延續偏向情感性的巴勒斯坦認同表徵。釐清巴勒斯坦認同的內外圖像後,再在認同理論的框架下,分析外部呈現的巴勒斯坦認同與巴勒斯坦內部外顯的認同之交互作用。 最後本文研究發現,巴勒斯坦認同在傳統含義上包含了伊斯蘭信仰認同、阿拉伯文化認同,及有別於以上兩種集合的對錫安主義的抵抗。而在政治劇變及歷史的洪流中,起初巴勒斯坦內部還尚未凝聚民族認同感,國際社會及區域角力利用國際組織的運作及大國政治的介入,率先給予了一個尚待解決的巴勒斯坦族群問題之框架。從今往後在這樣的架構裡,巴勒斯坦民族亦步亦趨地凝聚了本質上、歷史上與政治上的民族認同,並透過各種渠道將這樣的認同延續下去,成為民族運動的力量;而外部世界也不斷地在巴勒斯坦議題上強化政治性的認同符號,如此內外交互作用及影響,勾勒了巴勒斯坦民族認同的完整圖像。


Since the end of the World War II, the international society has not yet reached a consensus on the Palestine Problem―a problem that the Palestinian people cannot have their nation-state for a long period of time due to the international political situation and regional political reality. In such a situation, the construction of national identity has become an important issue in modern Palestinian society and in the modern world. Not only can national identity demonstrate the Palestinian spirit which made Palestinian living in the way of Palestine custom, but can also guide the Palestinian people through an unknown future. Therefore, the thesis aims to analysed the Palestinian identity by the identity theory. By applying a bilateral structure of external shaping and internal spontaneity, the thesis analysed the Palestinian identity and its historical and political progress. External shaping identity is a Palestinian identity outer symbolisation constructed from the outer international world to the inside society. Conversely, the internal spontaneity is not so much political as emotional. It is an inner dependency of Palestinian identity, from the inner Palestinian society to the outer world. After exploring the external and internal of Palestinian identity, this thesis analysed the interaction between the outer and inner Palestinian identity with identity theory. Finally, the thesis found that the Palestine identity in the traditional sense includes both Islamic and Arab identities, as well as the resistance to Zionism, an identity different from the the previoius ones. Moreover, this research argued that it was not until the intervention of the international society, especially the great powers and international organisairons, as well as the changes in geopolitics that the unresolved Palestinian ethnic issue became increasingly important. In other words, it was under these conditions that a framework for the Palestinian identity was formed. Within this framework, the Palestinian people has gradually developed its essential, historical and political national identities. Furthermore, such identities worked in various ways, for instance, they became a powerful force in national movements. Apart from this, with the political identity symbols imposed by the outter society, the Palestinian national identity was constructed more sophisticatedly. In this way, the result of external and internal interaction depicts a complete picture of Palestinian national identity.


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