  • 學位論文


Integration of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Motion Detector in Historic Story Telling—a Case Study of Dadaocheng Historic Districts

指導教授 : 詹進發


虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)及擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)嘗試讓體驗者如同在真實世界進行感官體驗,不同於以往純粹視覺性呈現,進一步延伸至多元化之人機互動(Human-Computer Interaction, HCI)方式。本研究目的為以普及性高之智慧型手機搭配價格便宜之Gear VR頭戴式顯示器(Head-mounted Display, HMD)並結合手勢感測器Leap Motion,嘗試增進使用者體驗設計穿梭虛實之感受及多種虛擬探索方式,建置大稻埕歷史街區之虛實互動式導覽平台。 本研究以跨平台遊戲開發引擎Unity設計虛實穿梭及虛擬探索的體驗。虛實穿梭部分,由於Gear VR HMD搭載智慧型手機平台,因此得以透過開關智慧型手機之相機鏡頭搭配Vuforia擴增實境軟體開發套件(Software Develop Kit, SDK)達到虛實穿梭的體驗。虛擬探索部分,將Leap Motion連接筆記型電腦,透過網路傳輸雙手位置及旋轉的資訊,並依照大稻埕發展歷史分為四大虛擬探索體驗: (1)發源--稻香四溢、(2)械鬥--頂下郊拚、(3)開港--徜徉河畔、(4)舊址重現--臨床講義。本研究以智慧型手機為開發平台,整合擴增實境、虛擬實境及人機互動技術,以講述一個地區之歷史故事及發展脈絡,這種方式比傳統的文宣產品更能引發體驗者有更深刻的情感連結與歷史記憶。


Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are techniques that try to create a real-world perception by digital means. In contrast to only visual perception in the past, VR and AR further extend this experience to various fields of human-computer interaction. The purpose of this study is to design the experience of virtual transition and virtual exploration in the historic districts of Dadaocheng by using Gear VR HMD and Leap Motion. The study mainly uses the cross-platform game development engine Unity to design the experience of virtual transition and virtual exploration. In order to achieve the experience of virtual transition, we switch the camera of the mobile device equipped with Gear VR HMD and combine Vuforia AR SDK. As for the experience of virtual exploration, we connect leap motion to a laptop and transmit hand position and rotation data through network. In order to reflect the history of Dadaocheng, the virtual exploration tour is divided into four parts: (1) Overflowing rice incense, (2) the Dingxiajiao Conflict, (3) Wandering around the riverside, (4) Clinical notes. The study uses smart phone as a development platform, and integrates augmented reality, virtual reality, and human-computer interaction to tell historic stories in historic districts. In this manner, the participants have more profound emotional connection and historic memory in a historic district than a traditional propaganda product.


Virtual reality Augmented reality HCI Leap motion Unity


一、 中文參考文獻
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