  • 學位論文

LINE企業帳號操作模式探討 — 以策略行銷4C理論分析

A practice of 4C strategy analysis: LINE official account as object

指導教授 : 邱志聖


隨著科技與網際網路的蓬勃發展,人們的生活習慣以及資訊接受方式也跟著改變,進而影響整體廣告市場,尤以行動端的數位廣告成長最為迅速。而LINE作為台灣目前使用人口數最高的行動即時通訊軟體,也開發出相對應之廣告模式以求變現,其中又以企業帳號最為特殊,不僅是專屬於即時通訊軟體的廣告型態,更是LINE最主要的廣告收入來源之一。 企業帳號至今發展時日仍不算長,故本研究將針對目前企業/品牌於企業帳號上之操作加以分析,分別就不同的消費者接觸點進行切入以詳加探討,並透過策略行銷分析的4C架構試圖歸納並整理出績效表現較佳的操作模式,分別根據外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本及專屬陷入成本詳加說明。並在最後研究發現,良好的企業帳號績效操作必須先確立企業帳號使用的目的性、如何維持品牌與企業帳號一致性,以達成良性的4C循環。


LINE 官方帳號 企業帳號


Along with the development of technology and the internet, not only human behavior and information channels but the overall advertising industry have changed. In particular, the advertising industry has grown rapidly especially in the mobile side. As the most populated messenger APP in Taiwan, LINE has developed their own advertising profit model. Among them, Official Account is the most unique one. It not only is the exclusive advertising on messenger Apps, but also one of the main advertising revenue sources of LINE. Because Official Account is still new to most people, this research aims to analyze the operating strategies of those brands and companies on their Official Account. In detail, the research will generalize the different consumer touch points, and apply it into the 4C Framework of Strategic Marketing. This research highlights the operating strategies that brings excellent performance in External Cost on Utility, Information Searching Cost, Moral Hazard Cost, and Asset Specificity Cost. And the result has found out that a better performance on Official Account closely relates to a healthy 4C cycle, which needs to be achieved through establishing the right purpose of Official Account and maintaining the consistency between brand and Official Account.


LINE Official account


一、 中文文獻
1. 王君豪(2003),「行動廣告表現方式對廣告效果影響之探討」,國立成功大學電信管理研究所碩士論文
2. 田子弘(2017),「LINE 企業貼圖類型對於廣告效果之影響」,國立高雄大學資訊管理學系研究所碩士論文
3. 邱志聖(2014),《策略行銷分析架構與實務應用四版》,智勝文化事業有限公司
4. 吳富傑(2010),「企業利用FACEBOOK平台經營粉絲專業社群之研究」,國立政治大學科技管理研究所碩士論文
