  • 學位論文

不可忤逆的安全號令: 威權領導與安全績效之探討

Unbreakable obedience of safety regulation: The study of authoritarian leadership and safety performance

指導教授 : 郭建志


近年來在職業安全的領域中,領導研究是重要的議題之一,因其是為影響部屬安全行為展現的關鍵因子。然而,過往安全領導之研究多以西方領導模式為主,例如轉型式領導或交易型領導,以華人領導模式為主的研究仍屬少數。因此,本研究嘗試引入華人文化中的威權領導,探討其在安全情境中所扮演的角色。本研究主張威權領導(專權領導與尚嚴領導)會透過個人層次的部屬安全行為與團隊層次的安全規範兩個中介變項,影響部屬個人的安全績效。本研究採用問卷調查法,以五人以上的團隊為單位,研究資料共有45個團隊,包含220位部屬之有效樣本,利用階層線性模型分析跨層次的中介效果。結果發現:(1)專權與尚嚴領導透過安全行為影響安全績效且皆顯著,其中專權產生負向效果;尚嚴則為正向效果;(2)專權與尚嚴領導透過安全規範影響安全績效的中介效果之假設並未獲得支持;(3)安全規範透過部屬安全行為影響安全績效的中介效果達顯著。本結果說明專權領導可能因過分強調個人權威展現與對部屬的控制引發部屬畏懼與反感,對部屬個人安全行為與規範產生負向效果,而降低安全績效。另一方面,尚嚴領導基於有依據且明確的準則、高度要求與嚴格監控,對安全行為與規範均有正向的效果,並提升安全績效。因此,本研究建議企業在安全領導層面上,應避免採用強調控制的專權領導,而應發展尚嚴的領導模式,訂定高度的要求與嚴密的監控。本研究作為華人領導與安全研究的橋梁,期望能協助企業減少職業災害的發生, 並創造更安全的工作環境。


In recent years, leadership has identified as a key factor to improve workplace safety, and there are a great number of studies in the western countries which have supported the positive effects of appropriate leadership on employee safety performance. However, not so many researches have focused on the leadership style in China, such as paternalistic leadership. To better fill this gap, the resent study aims to examine the relationship between authoritarian leadership in safety-specific field and safety outcomes. The study has investigated the relationships between authoritarian leadership and safety performance, and mediated by safety behaviors and safety norms, yet discussed the different effects of Juan-chiuan and Shang-ya leaderships. Nevertheless, the study argued that safety behaviors mediates the relationship between safety norms and safety performance. Questionnaires were distributed to first-line production employees (n=220, N=45). Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) is used to estimate the relationship between independent variables’ cross-level effect. The result suggests that the relationship between authoritarian leadership and safety performance which is mediated by safety behaviors is significant. However, the hypothesis of the mediation effect of safety norms on authoritarian leadership to safety performance is not supported. Moreover, the relationship between safety norms and safety performance which is mediated by safety behaviors is significant.


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