  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan Indigenous People and Their Mortality Rates

指導教授 : 余清祥 鄭宗記


臺灣原住民族死亡率高於全國平均,零歲平均餘命大約比臺北市居民短少 十歲(資料來源:內政部),而且各原住民族間有相當大的歧異性,原住民族 間的最大壽命差異也超過十歲(王信忠等人,2017)。國內有不少研究以原住 民族為研究目標,探討他們的健康與壽命不如一般國民的原因,但或許受限於 資料,過去研究較少以時空變化的角度切入,原住民戶籍地的社經水準、族群 組成、死亡率比較等人口特性。本文以空間統計的角度探討原住民族人口特徵 及死亡率,並與全臺灣民眾比較,希冀研究結果可提供政策規劃及資源配置的 建議,提高我國原住民族的生活品質及健康。 本文研究素材為中央研究院與原住民委員會建立的原住民資料庫(TIPD, Taiwan Indigenous People Database),包括2013 年至2017 年原住民靜態資料(包括死亡紀錄),以及各年度間的人口變化動態資料。研究發現居住在都會地區(包括直轄市)的原住民族死亡率未必低於非都會地區者,亦即原住民族沒有明顯受益都會地區較充足的醫療及社會資源,其背後可能還有更重大的因素 (如歧視及不平等、或是親友交遊圈),使得遷移至都會地區的原住民族死亡率仍較高,無法因此而脫離弱勢狀態。


Taiwan’s indigenous people usually have higher mortality rates and their life expectancy is about 10 years shorter than that of Taipei city’s residents. (Source: Ministry of the Interior, R.O.C.) The inhomogeneity also exists between different indigenous tribes and the maximal difference of lifespan is more than ten years. Many past studies about Taiwan’s indigenous people investigated the causes behind the lower lifespan. However, due to the limitation of data availability, not many studies focus on the socioeconomic status, demographic composition, and mortality rates of the indigenous people. Thus, we aim to explore the demographic attributes and mortality rates of Taiwan’s indigenous people. The analysis of this study is based on the data from Taiwan Indigenous Peoples open research Data (TIPD), established by Academia Sinica and Aboriginal Committee. The data in TIPD consist of static and dynamic records of Taiwan’s indigenous people, between 2013 and 2017. The analysis results showed that the mortality rates of indigenous people living in the metropolitan areas are about the same as those living in the non-metropolitan areas. This indicates that Taiwan’s indigenous people do not benefit from rich medical and social resources of the metropolitan areas, meaning that indigenous people are still vulnerable after migrating to metropolitan areas.


口學刊,55:99-131 頁。
