  • 學位論文

文創街廓發展與利益相關人關係之研究 ——以台北大稻埕、北京前門為例

Research on the development of culture creative blocks and the relationship of Stakeholders ——A comparison case study on Taipei Dadaocheng and Beijing Qianmen

指導教授 : 溫肇東


在全球化發展的今天,科技的創新加速了資源的流通,促進了產業的發展。如何形塑城市的獨特性、創造城市的競爭優勢已成為當前都市競爭力提升的重要課題之一。 在創意城市的熱潮中,文化創意逐漸產業化發展,1997年英國就提出了「創意產業」的概念;台灣行政院在挑戰2008發展重點計畫中將文化創意產業列為重點計畫之一;中國大陸從十一五、十二五到十三五計畫中,文化創意產業始終都是政府關心的重點發展產業之一。 在全球文化創意產業蓬勃發展之時,選取台北和北京這兩個兩岸最具代表性的城市,並各自選擇一個有歷史有特點之文創街廓,以大稻埕和前門為例,主要應用Hui et al(2005)提出的創意5Cs理論,期望系統探討文創街廓創生、發展、轉型的過程與利益相關人之間的關係。 根據兩年多的田野調查、訪談觀察,本研究認為文創街廓的創生和其歷史有很大的關係,如地理位置、多元文化和群聚效應都是促成文創街廓創生的重要因素。而在其發展的不同時期,不同的重要利益相關人引入不同的關鍵創意資本,促進了街廓的發展和轉型,在這其中人力資本是最重要的發展動力。要打破自上而下或自下而上的傳統思維模式,做到上下結合,不以經濟發展為目的,是文創街廓永續發展的必要條件。


With the development of globalization, technology innovation has accelerated the circulation of resources and enhanced the development of the industry. How to create the uniqueness and the competitive advantage of the city has become one of the most important topics to improve the competitiveness of the city. Under the tide of creative cities blooming, culture and creative industries are fast developed ever. The Taiwan Executive Yuan listed Cultural and Creative Industries as one of the key projects in the Challenge 2008 Key Development Plan; Mainland China, from the 11th, 12th and 13th five-year plans, the cultural and creative industries have always been the key focus of the government. When reviewing urban regeneration and economic development issues from the perspective of creative cities, and under the fast development of culture and creative industries, the study selected two representative cities Taipei and Beijing, and chose unique historical creative blocks Dadaocheng and Qianmen as case study. The main application of the 5Cs theory of creative index proposed by Hui et al (2005) was to systematically explore the relationship between the development process of the creative blocks, and the relationship of stakeholders. Based on field study and in-depth interviews for more than two years, the study believes that the start of creative blocks has a strong relationship with its history. For example, geographical location, multiculturalism, and clustering effects are all important factors. During the development process, different important stakeholders have introduced different creative capitals, which has accelerated the development of the creative blocks. Among them, human capital is the most important drive. Under the purpose of sustainable development, it is necessary to break the traditional top-down or bottom-up thinking, to become a combination of up and down communication, and the economic development should not be set as main purpose. Which lead to a sustainable cycle of creativity and the successful development of the cultural creative blocks.


一、 專書
1. Florida, R. (2002). The Rise of the Creative Class: and how it’s transforming work, leisure, community and everyday life. New York: Basic Books.
2. Florida, R. (2005). Cities and the Creative Class. New York: Routledge.
3. Hui, D. Chun-hung, N., Mok, P., Fong, N., Chin, W.-k., & Yuen, C. (2005). A study on creative index. Hong Kong: Home affairs bureau, the Hong Kong special administrative region government.
