  • 學位論文

文創產業城市文化內涵度、文化創造力與文化發展力關係之研究 -中國大陸直轄市、副省級市與地級市比較分析

Relationship among Cultural and Creative Industry City's Degree of Cultural Content, Cultural Creativity and Cultural Development -Comparison Study of Municipalities, Sub-provincial and Prefecture-level Cities in Mainland China

指導教授 : 張光正 呂鴻德


中文摘要 隨著文化創意、創意經濟等概念逐漸受到世界各國所重視,如何為該國的城市尋求再生並再創經濟競爭力的嶄新概念亦逐漸被推展開來。歷經數千年改朝換代,並伴隨著各民族的宗教祭典、歲時節令、建築文物等所遺留之文化遺址,造就中國大陸發展文化創意城市過程中,得以運用多數文化資源增加其產業規模、產值等效益。有鑑於此,本研究冀望透過文化創意城市的文化內涵度、文化創造力與文化發展力間之探討,進一步歸納出不同類型的文化創意城市,對於文化創意產業的發展潛力,以提供未來兩岸佈局文化創意產業之實務參考,更盼望有朝一日台灣軟實力,能深植全球消費者的心中。 本研究根據文化創意產業的研究成果與文獻探討,將中國大陸文化創意城市類型區分為直轄市、副省級市與地級市三種類型,藉由文化內涵度、文化創造力與文化發展力,探討中國大陸文創城市發展潛力,其中文化內涵度包含資源內涵、氛圍內涵、素質內涵三項構面,而文化創造力包含多元價值、群聚價值、人本價值、創意價值四項構面,文化發展力則包含產業發展、市場發展與延伸發展三項構面,最後探討企業特性對於文化創意城市感知程度之影響,針對本研究欲探討的中國大陸文化創意城市類型,進行問卷調查與量化的統計分析。 文化創意城市所擁有之文化資源與其所屬的特色文化,除依賴產品的地方傳統性及地方特殊性外,更強調產品的生活性與其精神價值內涵,而其發展策略則在於如何以地方本身為思考出發點,並根據地方特色、條件、人才乃至於地方福祉等以做為發展之優先考量。城市的精華在於城市有它的文化特色,對於城市而言,文化顯示著城市的風貌,展現著城市的品格,凝聚著城市的精神,決定著城市的長久競爭力,而文化特色將促成城市呈現多元的文化創意成果,又文化創意成果的獨特程度,則進一步主宰該城市文化創意產業之發展潛力。「文化是城市之根,創意是城市之魂」,文化、創意與城市之間不僅具有共生之特點,更是城市發展的重要動力來源之一。由於中國大陸政府對於直轄市資源配置相較豐富,促進直轄市文化質量之提升,另一方面,直轄市國際化程度較高,相對相關文化表演場所亦即為充沛,直轄市整體的文化軟實力也因而與副省級市、地級市產生拉鋸。2006年,中國大陸將文化產業納入「十一五規劃」,正式開啟文化創意產業發展之路,並將該年定為「創意經濟元年」,將文化創意產業視為經濟發展重要策略,各級地方政府亦緊鑼密鼓展開文化創意產業發展與相關建設。 關鍵字:文化創意產業、文化創意城市、文化內涵度、文化創造力、文化發展力


Abstract In recent years, the concept of cultural creativity or creative economy, the world gradually being taken seriously. China has been able to develop cultural and creative city because it is thousands of years of cultural heritages. Therefore, the study concludes that different types of cultural and creative potential of the city's cultural and creative aims of the degree the city's cultural connotation, culture, creativity and cultural development of power. It could provided to the development of cultural creative industry in Taiwan and Mainland China. This research based on Cultural and creative industries research and literature review, cultural and creative city Classified into three types of municipalities, sub-provincial cities and prefecture-level cities. We discuss cultural and creative city’s potential by Degree of cultural content, Cultural creativity and Force of cultural development. Degree of cultural content includes resources content, atmosphere content and quality content three dimensions. Cultural creativity includes value of diversity, cluster value, human value and creative value four dimensions. Cultural development includes industry, market development, extended development three dimensions. Emphasis on how to place into focus and in accordance with local characteristics, conditions, and human resources for the development of priority of Cultural resources of cultural and creative city. Culture, Creativity and cities not only share common features, it is the major driving forces of urban development one of the sources. As china’s government provided municipalities in China with rich resources, improve the municipality's cultural superiority. Municipalities are not only to high degree of internationalization but cultural venues in a more adequate. Thus, Municipalities are better than the sub-provincial cities and prefecture-level city for the development of cultural and creative industries. In 2006, Inclusion of cultural industries in China no.11 five-year plan, cultural and creative industries as an important strategy for economic development. Local governments started to actively develop the cultural and creative industries. Keywords: Cultural and creative industries, Cultural and creative city, Degree of Cultural Content, Cultural Creativity, Cultural Development


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陳至柔(2013)。文化內涵度與文化創造力對文化影響力關係之研究- 中國大陸九大文化創意城市比較分析〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201300341
