  • 學位論文


A Research of Students' Internship Course Implementation,Learning Satisfaction and Learning Outcome - Taking the Integration of Taiwan Police College Education and Training with Police Duties as an Example

指導教授 : 陳木金


本研究主要目的在瞭解臺灣警察專科學校警專生實習課程實作、學習滿意度與學習成效之現況及關係。探討警專不同學制科別學員生於實習課程實作、學習滿意度與學習成效知覺之現況、差異情形之關係;並檢定警專生實習課程實作、學習滿意度與學習成效結構方程模式之適配情形。 依據研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,編製「警專生實習課程實作、學習滿意度與學習成效關係之調查問卷」進行調查,包括警專的專39期行政警察科、交通管理科、刑事警察科、科技偵查科正期組2年級學生及109年特考班學員為調查對象,共抽取學員生共計600位受試者為樣本,計回收581份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為96.83%;蒐集的資料以描述性統計分析、t考驗、單因數變異數分析、積差相關係數分析及結構方程模式等統計方法進行分析。 本研究所獲致之結論如下: 一、專39期行政警察科、交通管理科、刑事警察科、科技偵查科正期組學生及109年特考班學員知覺實習課程實作整體及各向度呈現高程度,其中又以「實習態度」得分最高,「執勤能力」得分最低。 二、專39期行政警察科、交通管理科、刑事警察科、科技偵查科正期組學生及109年特考班學員知覺學習滿意度整體及各分向度呈現中高程度,其中又以「術科教官」得分最高,「生活管理」得分最低。 三、專39期行政警察科、交通管理科、刑事警察科、科技偵查科正期組學生及109年特考班學員知覺學習成效整體及分向度呈現中高程度,其中又以「職能學習」得分最高,「情意學習」得分最低。 四、專39期行政警察科、交通管理科、刑事警察科、科技偵查科正期組學生及109年特考班學員在年齡、最高學歷、從警動機與之背景的不同,其知覺實習課程實作、學習滿意度與學習成效的情形呈現顯著差異。 五、「實習課程實作」、「學習滿意度」與「學習成效」三者,兩兩間兼具有顯著正相關。 六、「實習課程實作」、「學習滿意度」與「學習成效」具有相當之適配性檢定獲得驗證支持,能解釋主要變項間的關係。 最後依據結論,本研究提出相關建議,警察教育訓練之良窳,回歸警專養成教育領域,完整的基礎教育訓練,使警專生畢業後肩負第一線執法者,分發機關能與實務訓練、在職教育、常年訓練無縫接軌,以維護社會治安與保障人民生命財產安全,俾供警專、教師(官) 、隊職官及學生,以及未來研究之參考,提升警專教育訓練成效,以精進警察教育改革並提升警察組織人力之素質。


Our goal from the research is to achieve the understanding of students' address and interaction on the internship course implementation program, including its learning satisfaction and outcome.Analyze and evaluate the relation between students ' learning progress on the internship course implementation , learning satisfaction, and learning outcome, based on the differences between education systems and field of studies. A survey was published based on the research, analyzing the relation between the students' implementation, satisfaction, and its outcome on the program. The testees were made up of students from the General Administration Division, Traffic Management Division, Criminal Investigation Division, and Technological Investigation Division of the Special Examination Class of 109th, and sophomores of the 39th class. 581 out of 600 surveys sent out to the students were valid, resulting the effectiveness of 96.83%. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Correlation Analysis, Descriptive Statistics, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), T-Test, and other statistical methods were used to analyze the collected data. The result concludes below. Firstly, the General Administration Division, Traffic Managing Division, Criminal Investigation Division, and Technological Investigation Division of the Special Examination Class of 109th, and the 39th class of Taiwan Police College, demonstrated higher than expected extent on overall implementation of the program, especially in the field of attitude. Performing duties were the lowest of all. Secondly, the overall learning satisfaction and learning outcome of the students scored above average, which physical training officer itself and profession training scored the highest, rules and regulations of student management and affective education scored the least. Thirdly, the internship course implementation program, learning satisfaction, and learning outcome shows significant difference among students with different ages, motivation, and level of education. Additionally, the program, satisfaction, and outcome also shows positive correlation among one another. Finally, the suitability of the program, learning Satisfaction, and outcome backed by evaluations of survey, which explains the relation between the three variables mentioned above. In conclusion, the research propose various suggestion on further research purposes and references for faculty and staff members, in order to increase effectiveness of formative education, quality of police training, and to promote and enhance the overall police force. As the matter of fact, the quality of police training is highly affected by the effectiveness of formative education at the Taiwan Police College. By complete prepatory education training courses, making students able and willing to carry out as first line law enforcement officers, also seamlessly transiting between internship course implementation program, assigned unit, on-the-job training, and annual training, to fulfillI the priority task of every law enforcement officer-maintain community safety, protect properties, and lives.


公務人員保障暨培訓委員會(2021a)。109年公務人員一般考試警察人員考試錄取人員訓練計畫,2022年1月5日,取自: https://www.csptc.gov.tw/News_Content.aspx?n=538&s=34604
