  • 學位論文


A Study on Factors Influential to the Retention Willingness of Mid-Level Officers in the R.O.C Armed Forces.

指導教授 : 成之約


在2019年國防報告書指出,中共領導人習近平於2017年19大後,把國家發展的戰略方向調整為「國防和軍隊現代化建設三步走」的策略,他提出三個時期規劃:首先在「2020年基本實現機械化與信息化建設有重大發展」,其次「2035年基本實現國防和軍隊現代化」,最後「在本世紀中葉把解放軍全面建成世界一流軍隊」,以維護中共國家整體利益,提供有力戰略支撐,共軍之戰略發展,由「被動反擊」逐步走向「主動先制」。 因此為求國軍能夠因應對岸日趨強烈的威脅,中華民國國軍必須能有因應之道來應處任何的突發況,相對而言國軍不做軍備上的競爭,而是利用不對稱作戰,來達到海峽兩岸持續穩定發展。對比之下,人力資源上的培育與投資更顯重要;然而,面對臺灣生育率的偏低,國軍也面臨到兵源不足而漸感壓力,坊間許多文獻都有探討國軍招募及留營率所產生的問題與解決之道,但大部分皆探究某軍種、單位或者某地區影響留任或離職之傾向,並無做全面性陸、海、空軍三軍或者單一階級做相關研究,故本研究除了探究陸、海、空軍三軍中階軍官留任意願之外,亦探究國軍中階軍官是否依照立法院在2017年通過尉、校級軍官延役政策而繼續為國軍效力,貢獻一己之力,守衛家園、保護臺灣這塊土地。本研究結果發現國軍中階軍官在人口統計變項部分性別、不同軍種、不同服役年資、不同教育程度對於部分研究構面因素有顯著相關;在研究變項構面因素彼此間有顯著相關。


In 2019 National Defense Report states, the leadership of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Xi Jin-Ping adjusted the strategy of the national development to “three steps to build the modern military and national defense” after the 19th Nation People’s Congress in 2017. He proposed a three-period planning to protect the national interest and provide a powerful tactics support. First of all, “a major development in establishing the mechanize and informatization in 2020”; second, “achieve the modernization of national defense and military in 2035”, and lastly, “turn the People’s Liberation Army of China (PLA) into an excellent military in the middle of this century”. The tactics development of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is changing from “passive response” to “proactive”. Thus, the R.O.C. Army must find out adaptive strategies to face the stronger threats day by day and handle any emergencies that come from the opposite China. We would not compete for armament, but we’ll continuously stabilize the cross-strait relations by asymmetric warfare. In comparison, the cultivation and investment of human resources are very important. However, due to the low fertility rate in Taiwan, the R.O.C. Army also feel stressed when facing the shortage of manpower resources. There are a lot of literature on the market discussing the problem and solutions of volunteer soldiers recruitment as well as the retention rate, but mostly, they only researched into the tendency of influences of stay or leave on certain military service, unit or location, there are not any related studies in army, navy, air force or single rank. The thesis not only research into the willingness of Mid-level officers in army, navy and air force to stay in the military, but also explore whether the Mid-level officers follow the service extension policy for Lieutenant and Major officers that Legislative Yuan passed in 2017 and continue to serve in the military, contribute their strength, stand guard over the homeland and protect the territory of Taiwan. The results of this study find out that the demographic variable for Mid-level officers like gender, different services, different lengths of service and different education level has a significant relation to some factors in this study. And there is a significant relation between the factors of research variable aspect.


