  • 學位論文


ASUS Sustainability Transformation Strategy - An Analysis Based on CSOP Framework

指導教授 : 郭曉玲


企業轉型(Corporate Transformation)廣義而言是指企業長期策略方向、商業模式、營運流程、組織設計方式、資源配置方式的本質上的整體改變。企業轉型是描述組織透過變革達到一個新企業型態的過程。企業透過轉型得以重新塑造競爭優勢、提升價值。企業轉型之動機主要來源為,當企業面臨總體環境、任務環境、或是企業內部考量本身的發展性,因而做出變革,而企業轉型的類型也有許多不同分類,尤其是近年來出現的數位轉型、智慧轉型等轉型種類名稱,包括隨著現今社會對於企業社會責任的趨勢與意識抬頭,也出現所謂針對企業社會責任的企業永續轉型型態。各項轉型皆因企業面臨不同的環境變因,或擁有不同的策略目的所產生,進而導致企業採取不同的轉型策略與具體行動方案。   企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility,簡稱CSR)發展至今經歷過各式各樣不同的階段,企業對於永續的解讀與作法皆各有不同,但隨著永續意識的抬頭,電子製造業之跨國企業在邁向國際時,勢必需要配合目標國家相關政策與環保法規的規範,也因此國內許多企業開始重視企業永續經營。如何更有效率生產合規產品,取得相關國際環保標章、降低產品製造過程中的碳排量,減少有害物質的產生,幾乎成為企業營運中不可忽視的關鍵環節,進而也影響企業中的組織結構與營運流程跟著轉變,促成新的企業轉型型態。   本研究的文獻探討將分別針對「企業轉型動機相關文獻」、「常見的企業轉型類型相關文獻」、與「常見的企業轉型挑戰相關文獻」等相關議題做文獻回顧與整理,並針對國內電子製造業之跨國企業-華碩電腦股份有限公司,運用「CSOP」企業轉型管理架構,分析其將企業社會責任價值導入「企業永續轉型」的過程,規劃企業永續轉型的轉型策略及作法,以及其中面臨的挑戰,並提供相關建議與結論。


Corporate transformation refers to the overall adjustment and transformation of the company's long-term strategic direction, business model, operation process, organizational design method. Corporate transformation is to describe the process by which an organization achieves a new corporate form through adjustment. Corporate can reshape their competitive advantages and enhance value through transformation. The motivation of corporate transformation is that when the enterprise is faced with the overall environment, task environment, or internal consideration of its own development, they make changes, there are many different types of corporate transformation, especially the digital transformation that has occurred in recent years. Various transformations are caused by different environmental factors or different strategic objectives of the corporate, which leads to the adoption of different transformation strategies and specific action plans. The development of corporate social responsibility (Abbreviated as CSR) has gone through a variety of different stages. Companies have different interpretations and practices of sustainability. However, with the rise of sustainability awareness, the electronic manufacturing industry has become more transnational. As companies move internationally, they will inevitably need to comply with the relevant policies and environmental protection regulations of the target country. Therefore, many domestic companies have begun to attach importance to sustainable business operations. How to produce compliant products more efficiently? How to obtain relevant international environmental protection labels? How to reduce carbon emissions in the product manufacturing process? Reducing the generation of harmful substances has almost become a key link that cannot be ignored in business operations, and also affects the organization of the company The structure and operating procedures have been changed accordingly, leading to a new type of corporate transformation. The literature discussion of this research will review the literature on "corporate transformation motivation", "common corporate transformation types", and "common corporate transformation challenges ", and focus on domestic electronics manufacturing. Asustek Computer Co., Ltd., a multinational company in the industry, uses the "CSOP" corporate transformation management framework to analyze its process of introducing corporate social responsibility values into the "sustainable corporate transformation". Plan the transformation strategies and practices of the company's sustainable transformation, as well as the challenges it faces, and provide relevant suggestions and conclusions.


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