  • 學位論文


A study on the dynamic capability of platform lifecycle: Using Company L as an example

指導教授 : 傅浚映 蘇威傑


平台商業模式從2000年初開始快速興起成為最炙手可熱的商業模式,席捲世界各地舊有的線性價值鏈。除了亞馬遜、Google、Meta、微軟等科技巨擘,皆是利用平台商業模式的力量在改變世界。2019年全球200多家獨角獸企業亦有七成屬於平台企業,可見至今還有許多新創企業透過平台商業實踐創新。流行音樂產業亦是受到平台模式的席捲的產業之一,數位音樂串流平台如Spotify、Apple Music等已經取代過去唱片公司之價值鏈。本研究之個案公司即是在流行音樂產業中,利用平台商業模式創新之一例。 動態能力即是描述企業面對變化,如何發現、應對、調整並建立持續性競爭優勢之理論架構。在平台模式下,商業環境的變化非常快,平台除了面對生態系外的環境變動,生態系內參與者的變動也很頻繁。因此本研究夠過深度訪談分析個案企業之「感知、獲取、轉化」三大動態能力與整合能力,在平台生命週期中之展現,歸納平台企業在「誕生期」與「擴張期」下,與之相關的動態能力,並發現其動態能力相關性的轉變,與生命週期階段下企業之策略目的有所關聯,最後亦歸納整合能力在上述兩階段下所扮演的角色。


The platform business model has rapidly emerged as the hottest business model since the early 2000s, sweeping through old linear value chains around the world. In addition to Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft and other technology giants, all of which are using the power of the platform business model to change the world, 70% of the world's 200+ unicorns in 2019 are also platform companies, showing that many new start-ups are still innovating through platform business. The pop music industry is also one of the industries swept up by the platform model, with digital music streaming platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music replacing the value chain of record labels in the past. The case study is an example of innovation in the popular music industry using the platform business model. Dynamic capability is a theoretical framework that describes how a company can identify, respond, adjust, and build a sustainable competitive advantage in the face of change. In the platform model, the business environment changes very fast, the platform faces not only the environmental changes outside the ecosystem, but also the changes of the participants within the ecosystem. Therefore, this study analyzes the three dynamic capabilities of "perceiving, acquiring, and transforming" and the integration capabilities of the case companies in the platform life cycle through in-depth interviews, and summarizes the dynamic capabilities of the platform companies in the "birth" and "expansion" periods. We also found that the changes of dynamic capabilities are related to the strategic objectives of the company in the life cycle stage, and finally, we summarized the role of integration capabilities in the above two stages.


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