  • 學位論文


Reconstructing Taiwan’s Armed Forces Reserve

指導教授 : 甯方璽


目前政府執政期間為兩岸關係20年來的最低點,並引發了對軍事衝突爆發的擔憂。台灣與中國都擁有先進的現代化軍事力量,但中國的現役部隊裝備與數量使臺灣相形見絀。如果中國對台灣發動侵略戰爭,臺灣除了現役部隊之外還需要動員後備力量來保衛自己的領土。台灣有非常龐大後備力量,但後備部隊所接受的訓練及裝備都比現役差,如果繼續忽視後備部隊的重要性,相信將失去阻擋中國武力進犯台灣防衛的最後一道防線。 因此本研究審視目前臺灣後備部隊力量及相關政策,並藉由文獻蒐集分析與訪談相關高階軍官及最近接受過後備軍事訓練之個人,評估臺灣後備部隊武裝力量的現狀,並藉由SWOT分析台灣後備武力自身的優勢與劣勢,以及中國威脅之下所面臨的機會與威脅,再與國外後備軍事儲備的比較,據此來強化台灣後備部隊的整備及作戰能力。本研究成果顯示,許多前人研究所提出的建議尚未得到執行,若執行仍能有效提升後備戰力,若能複製美軍現役部隊和後備部隊之間動態機制關係並加強後勤支援,如此將可快速動員後備部隊及提升後備戰力。


Relations between China and Taiwan are currently at a twenty-year low. This has sparked fears of renewed military conflict between the two countries, and concern that China may attempt to invade Taiwan in the near future. Though both countries possess a formidable military, China’s active-duty force dwarfs that of Taiwan. If China were to attempt an invasion, Taiwan would defend its territory by mobilizing its massive military reserve. Taiwan’s armed forces reserve is numerically impressive, but poorly trained and equipped relative to Taiwan’s active-duty military. Continued underinvestment in reserve capabilities has hindered the force’s ability to credibly deter Chinese aggression and limited its effectiveness to fulfill its role as Taiwan’s last line of defense. This study examines the impact on Taiwan’s armed forces reserve resulting from the implementation of major force shaping policy. It assesses the current condition of Taiwan’s armed forces reserve through an examination of open-source literature and interviews. SWOT analysis has been used to examine shortfalls and form recommendations designed to enhance reserve readiness and field capabilities in line with Taiwan’s military operational concept. This study concludes that recommendations provided by previous studies have gone unimplemented but remain valid, that enhanced mechanization of the reserve force must be matched by enhanced logistical support, and that the adoption of a force design which replicates the United States military’s dynamics relations between active and reserve forces would undermine rapid mobilization.


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