  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Housing Development Projects with Floor Area Increased in Taipei City

指導教授 : 江穎慧 丁秀吟


建築容積管制為分區管制中相當重要的一部分,而容積增加機制則是為了因應都市迅速變遷而延伸出的彈性機制,其中最常見的便是容積移轉及容積獎勵。過往諸多文獻通過實證發現容積增加開發案經常有密切聚集於特定地區之趨勢,同時指出過度密集地應用容積增加機制可能進一步對都市發展產生一定之衝擊,例如:住宅價格高漲、居住環境擁擠、公共設施服務水準不足等。 本研究試圖從「容積增加」之觀點,應用2012至2021年臺北市建築管理工程處核發之使用執照資料,同時整合新推個案資料,以探討臺北市十年內容積增加住宅開發案之建案特性。首先以全域型空間自相關分析檢測容積增加住宅開發案是否存在空間相依性,接著以區域型空間自相關分析尋找住宅開發案之聚集區域,同時觀察社會經濟環境等屬性資料,分析容積增加住宅開發案之空間分布特性。最後,再進一步分析開發案之推案資料,探討容積增加住宅開發案具備之推案特性及其可能產生之影響。 研究結果顯示,容積增加的住宅開發案及其增加之樓地板面積,均具有空間聚集之趨勢,其中又以聚集於外環區的整體開發區周圍為主,表示臺北市政府給予整體開發區、大規模開發案較高容積額度之政策規劃,確實明顯地影響到建築開發商應用容積增加機制之決策。此外,容積增加住宅開發案相較一般住宅開發案更具有「高推案單價、大規劃坪數、大基地規模」等推案特性。


Building bulk control is a pivotal part of zoning, and the floor area increased projects are an elastic mechanism extended in response to rapid urban changes, of which Transfer of Development Rights and Density Bonus are the most common forms. However, many studies have found that floor area increased projects are often closely clustered in specific areas and that the impacts of it might cause surging housing prices, crowded living environment, insufficient public facility service, and so on. From the perspective of "floor area increased", this study attempts to explore the characteristics of housing development projects with floor area increased in Taipei City, using the building use permit and new housing projects data from 2012 to 2021. First, global spatial autocorrelation analysis was adopted to detect whether spatial dependency occurred in the housing development projects with floor area increased. Next, local spatial autocorrelation analysis was conducted to find the hot spot of the housing development projects. Meanwhile, this study discussed the spatial distribution characteristics of housing development projects with floor area increased by observing the social and economic attributes data. Lastly, this study analyzed the data of new housing projects to further discuss the project characteristics of housing development projects with floor area increased and its possible influence. The results show that housing development projects with floor area increased and the floor area increments both have tendency to be clustered, especially around the overall development area in the periphery. It indicates that the policy planning of granting higher floor area quota for overall development area and large-scale projects have significantly affect the decision-making by housing developers. In addition, housing development projects with floor area increased have the characteristics of “high pre-sale unit price, large planning area, and large base scale”, in comparison with general housing development projects.


