  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Key Success Factors to the Implementation of Digital Transformation Strategy During the Covid-19 Pandemic

指導教授 : 李易諭


近年數位浪潮興起,企業數位轉型議題並非新鮮事,新興科技的進步帶動產業升級與轉型壓力,卻仍有許多企業尚未開始推動數位轉型的策略制定。然而一場COVID-19 疫情衝擊影響全世界各國以及各行業,人們為降低感染風險避免群聚、確診人數短期內急遽上升,遠距辦公、生產自動化、供應鏈斷鏈、人力不足等多個現象在疫情爆發後一夕之間同時出現,使疫情成為強迫企業數位轉型的推手。縱使企業了解轉型的急迫性與優點,過去幾年遲遲沒有行動,直到疫情影響企業經營才開始著手數位轉型計畫,其背後的原因無非是受限於企業資源的分配,或是對轉型計畫的接觸不夠深入,進而導致投資無效、轉型失敗。 本研究主角個案A 公司為實體零售鞋業,是COVID-19 疫情下受明顯影響的產業之一,不過A 公司早在2016 年開始規劃企業數位轉型的策略,執行至今邁入第六年,在執行的過程中恰逢疫情衝擊卻也因此可以檢視當前的轉型成效,透過訪談內容歸納出A 公司的七個數位轉型關鍵成功因素,瞭解其發展數位轉型的流程,同時探討疫情發生的當下,企業在財務表現、組織營運、經營策略三大構面所受到的影響。 最後比對訪談內容後提出A 公司最為關鍵的三個成功因素,以及補充實務建議和研究限制,希望提供欲發展數位轉型的中小企業加以參考。


With the rise of the digital wave in recent years, the issue of enterprise digital transformation is not a new issue. The progress of emerging technologies has driven industrial upgrading and transformation pressure, but many enterprises have not yet begun to promote the development of digital transformation strategies. However, the impact of a covid-19 epidemic has affected countries and industries all over the world. Even if enterprises understand the urgency and advantages of digital transformation, most of them not willing to take the action in the past few years. They did not start the digital transformation plan until the epidemic affected their business operations. The reason behind that is simply limited by the allocation of enterprise resources or insufficient contact with the transformation plan, leading to ineffective investment and transformation failure. The physical retail industry, which is one of the industries significantly affected by the covid-19 epidemic. However, company began to plan the strategy of enterprise digital transformation as early as 2016, and has entered the sixth year since its implementation. The case study company faced the COVID-19 epidemic during the process of digital transformation, but it also be a chance to test current transformation stages results. The research summarize the seven key success factors of company’s digital transformation through the interview content. Besides, we discuss the process of developing digital transformation, and explore the impact of the epidemic on the three aspects of financial performance, organizational operation and business strategy.




第一節 中文文獻
王維聰 (2021)。企業進行數位轉型的規劃思維。哈佛商業評論,2021年2 月數位版。https://www.hbrtaiwan.com/mentor/20157/planning-thinking-for-digitaltransformation,擷取日期:2022年4月10日。
