  • 學位論文


Effect of colors and labels in sustainable packaging on brand image: The moderation effect of green self-identity

指導教授 : 柯玉佳


過去已有許多研究聚焦探討顏色的內涵、以及色彩在廣告的使用和意義,同時也有許多研 究針對色彩使用在行銷上漸增的疑慮進行調查。近年,消費者的焦點大幅度轉向永續生活, 因此,越來越多公司試圖透過行銷提高大眾認識其對永續發展的努力。而有什麼比在產品 包裝更能展示一家公司對永續發展努力呢?近年研究越來越著重於分析綠色品牌塑造與消 費者認知間的關係。其中,有些屬性被認為比其他屬性更具永續性,如顏色-綠色便是其 中之一。過去研究已發現綠色與永續性和環境保護有很強的關聯,然而,近年來由於對 「漂綠」的疑慮與關切,綠色也面臨強烈的反對聲浪。 本研究著眼於探討包裝特徵,包含顏色(棕色和白色)與標籤的使用,以及公司的綠色品 牌形象之間的關係。本研究進一步以「消費者綠色自我認同」為調節變項,包含個人對永 續發展的努力和認同如何影響包裝特徵與綠色品牌形象間的關係。本研究著重在顏色的使 用 - 在本研究中為白色和棕色,並進一步探討包裝上具有環保標籤和不具有環保標籤兩種 模型的影響。本研究共提出了四個假設,研究結果顯示只有兩個研究假設成立:標籤(有 /無)與綠色品牌形象間具有顯著關係;顏色(白色/棕色)則不會對綠色品牌形象造成影 響;此外,綠色自我認同對於標籤(有/無)與綠色品牌形象的關係上具有顯著的調節效 果。


A multitude of studies have been conducted on the connotations of colors, their use and meanings in advertisements, and on the growing skepticism regarding the use of color in marketing. In recent years, consumer focus has been shifting drastically towards sustainability and sustainable lifestyle, and as a result, companies have been increasingly trying to raise awareness of their sustainability efforts through marketing. But what better way to express your companies’ sustainability efforts, than to showcase this on the product packaging? Recent studies have increasingly focused on analyzing the relationship between green branding and consumer perception. Certain attributes are considered more ‘sustainable’ than others, one of which is the color green. The color green has been found to have a strong association with sustainability and the environment, however, in recent years the color has also faced a backlash due to skepticism and concerns of greenwashing. This study looked at the relationship between packaging characteristics, the colors brown and white, and the use of labels, and a company’s green brand image. The study further introduced a moderator effect: consumers’ green self-identity. Including the moderator allowed for the opportunity to see how individuals own sustainability efforts and identity affect the relationship between packaging characteristics and green brand image. The focus of the study lies in the use of colors – in this case white and brown – which is further supplemented by looking at the two models with and without labels. The study presented four hypotheses, out of which only two were confirmed. The findings suggested there was a nonsignificant relationship between the colors (white/brown) and green brand image, however, there was a significant relationship between labelling (with/without) and green brand image. The moderator effect was found to have a significant effect on the relationship between products with/without labels and green brand image.


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