  • 學位論文


The Philosophical Ideas in Traditional Packing and Green Design

指導教授 : 諸葛正


現今社會科技文明不斷進步,資訊媒體迅速發展,在商業化與資本主義的催化之下,儼然發展出人類須藉由「視覺」此一途徑來認識外在世界的方法,故包裝也在如此環境條件下迅速拓展,以各式各樣琳瑯滿目的面貌問世。 這導致人類逐漸開始對包裝的使用與認知有所曲解,而在科技新知的進步下構築出充滿矛盾情結的綠設計觀點;工廠機械大量生產帶來許多商業利基,卻也同時造成嚴重資源浪費與垃圾污染問題等結果。這些年來,響應環保的聲浪始終不斷,所以green design這名詞已可說是老生常談之詞,但似乎理念歸理念,似乎仍無法順利解決我們現處的窘境。或許問題癥結之處並非單僅是設計行為的片面思考,而是必須包含對其他影響層面的思索。 植基於此,從對綠色設計議題的原始思考中,在設計與文化、環境保護、資源利用等重要生活哲學交織作用的網絡中,而有本研究最原初的動機產生。本研究主要從探討包裝的使用目的,解讀包裝在各時代背景下所代表的意義及其對人類生活所帶來的相關影響情景討論。包裝源起於人類為因應生活各種『包』與『裝』的需求所產生,且在歷經各種不同時空背景後,不斷轉變衍生成為現今大家所認定與熟習的現代包裝形態。 傳統包裝的生活智慧雖曾因時代變遷而被冷落,但並非就因此而只能成為末日黃花的命運。文化就是先人所留下智慧的精華結晶,其在現代還是有再發揮的機會,尤其在新議題(如環保議題等)躍上舞台之際,在以前或許從不曾被思考與注目過的設計思考行為,或者反而在現代有發展的可能性。而這也正是本研究希望藉由從各類相關案例的整理分析中,進一步反思究竟此類哲學是否有其實踐可能性,為其主要的研究目的來源。 本研究期望透過從歷史文獻的回顧研究過程中,重新審視與釐清有關「包裝」之定義,並重新思考傳統包裝的定位與綠色設計哲學之間的相互價值所在。從人使用包裝的行為過程中,探討包裝使用的目的動機及其演進脈絡,並透過此研究使大眾與設計師對傳統包裝的意涵與意義有更進一步的瞭解。主要研究目標有下列三項: 1.蒐集彙整傳統包裝發展過程中,與現代綠色設計概念符合的案例。 2.解析上述案例的發展應用過程,並從中抽出先人對實踐綠色設計概念的作法與哲學。 3.嘗試將先人對實踐綠色設計概念的作法與哲學,具體實踐於設計產出過程。   至於本研究的主要成果則為: 1.在重度需求使用下所形成自然環境劇烈變遷的後果,皆促使著開始思考回歸傳統少量化生活形式背後所生成的內在價值,以及物、人與社會之間的相互對應關係。 2.傳統包裝所體現的使用哲學,乃透過業者、使用者兼設計者的消費群所共同構築起的消費形式,也正說明業者、設計師與消費者的再教育及自我提升有其必要性。 3.使用習慣的養成隨社會風氣、使用者的思維與認知、價值觀與道德觀的變化影響後逐步形成。將自然環境視為生活中的一部分,才是綠色觀念能否深植人心的重要關鍵。 4.在地方性的概念日見薄弱的今日,具地域文化風土特徵的傳統包裝,反而較能夠為地方產業開拓出全新的道路。 關鍵詞:傳統包裝、綠色設計、設計文化


Enhaced by business and capitalism, it seems that we human beings need to know about the outer world via “vision”. Packing, having developed rapidly under such conditions, appears in great variety. This has resulted in that humankind increasingly misunderstand the usage of package, and a paradoxical concept of “green design” is constructed with the advancement of new technology. However, factory machines not only bring commercial niches but also cause problems such as serious waste of resources and the pollution of wastes, and etc. In recent years, endless calls for response to environment protection have made the term “green design” a cliché. In spite of all of these good ideas, the current predicament we are now facing seems to remain unsolved. Maybe, the problem does not simply lie in the unbalanced stress on design behaviors; therefore, we must extend our thoughts to include other impacting aspects. Based on this foundation, the primary motivations of the current study are originated from the primary thoughts on the issue of green design and a network woven with major life philosophies such as design and culture, environment protection, resources utilization, and etc. The study mainly explores the purposes of the use of package, interprets the representative meanings of package in different backgrounds of times, and discusses the relative influences of package on the life of human beings. Package is originated from humankind’s demand for various wrapping and filling in their life, and has been changing continuously under different time and space backgrounds into various modern package forms which are familiar to us nowadays. The life wisdom in traditional packages had been neglected because of time changes; however, it is not destined to become obsolete simply because of this. Culture is the crystal essence of wisdom left by our ancestors and can be useful even in modern times, especially when new issues (such as the issue of environment protection, etc.)are emerging. Many design thoughts & behaviors, which have not been thought of or got enough attention, might get the opportunity of development in modern times unexpectedly. And that is the very origin of the main purpose of this study, which is to sort and analyze various cases, and proceed to reflect over whether these philosophies are possibly practical; and to help the public and designers to find out further the connotation and meanings of traditional packages by exploring the purposes & motivations of the use of and the evolution framework of packages in people’s using of these packages. This research expectation from historical document''s review process, carefully examines with defines clearly “packing” the definition, and pondered the traditional packing the localization and between the green design philosophy''s value, expected discovers both superposition the new direction.. The 3 main objectives of this study are as follows: 1. to collect and sort cases which are consistent with the modern concept of green design in the development of traditional packages; 2. to analyze the development and application of the above cases and extract the philosophy of “green design” from previous practices; 3. try to put the philosophy of “green design” within previous practices into the design and implementation of packages.   The major achievements of this study are: 1. as the result of the drastic changes in natural environment caused by the excessive demand for packages, there is emerging reflection on the correlations between materials, human beings, and the society and the intrinsic value of returning to the traditional life-style of simplicity; 2. the philosophy embedded in the use of traditional packages, which is a consumption model jointly constructed by a consumer group consisting of package manufacturers and package users who are also designers, suggests that it is necessary for package manufacturers, designers, and consumers to re-educate and improve themselves. 3. the formation of package use habits is a gradual process which is under the influence of social morale and changes in the user''s thoughts, awareness, values, and ethics. Only when people realize the natural environment is a part of their lives will the green concept take root in people’s mind, and this is very critical. 4. ours is a time when the concept of local characteristics is getting weaker and weaker day by day. Traditional packages, however, with their local culture characteristics, can beat a brand-new path for local industries. Keywords: traditional packages、green design、design culture




