  • 學位論文

日本國際教養學部 —千葉大學、國際教養大學與上智大學之個案研究—

Department of International Liberal Arts in Japan: A Case Study of Chiba University, Akita International University and Sophia University

指導教授 : 鄭力軒


在全球化與知識經濟的二十一世紀,高等教育國際化是全球各國正在進行的改革。日本也不例外,無論是政府還是學校機構皆積極地推動高等教育國際化,特別是日本國內在短短不到二十年就有二十一所大學設立「國際教養學部」。國際教養學部所重視的教育理念與日本政府過往所推動的國際化政策非常不同,不但是亞洲國家中獨樹一幟的想法,更是近年日本新的教育趨勢。 本研究以設有國際教養學部的千葉大學、國際教養大學,以及上智大學為研究個案,探討設立國際教養學部的背景與國際教養所帶來的教育意義。本文首先回顧日本高等教育國際化的脈絡以及國際教養教育的起源,而後介紹個案學校設立國際教養學部的理由及檢視學部的特色課程,包含基礎學習、進階教養教育、專攻科目,以及義務留學制度等。 本研究對十八名國際教養學部的師生實施訪談,以理解在國際教養教育之教育設計下教學者和學習者的實際教育經驗,並探討國際教養學部在日本高等教育的角色。透過文獻回顧及訪談資料的分析結果顯示,國際教養學部確實是培育全球化及多元化人才的優良環境;而國際教養教育此一新型教育型態帶給學習者許多正面影響,是值得效仿的教育理念。然而,學校在推動國際教養教育的背後不免面臨一些課題,像是全英語課程的兩難、師生價值觀的差異及教育理念分歧等。本研究認為日本大學若要持續推動國際教養教育,則必須設法解決以上課題。 台灣與日本的教育結構非常相似,政府推動高等教育國際化的行動也十分積極,儘管台灣高等教育目前在制度上不如日本來得完善,但本研究認為日本國際教養學部的案例能夠提供台灣高等教育一個啟示。然而,教育改革若缺乏完善的配套措施則容易走向失敗。他山之石可以攻錯,未來台灣若是要設立國際教養學部,除了徹底瞭解何謂國際教養教育之外,應該正視本研究指出的課題。本研究期望台灣政府能夠重新檢視當前高等教育國際化的相關政策與資源分配,並培養出新一代的全球化人才。


Japan has an increasing demand for manpower with global perspectives, as a result, Japan’s government has implemented a series of policies to develop students’ global understanding, particularly in higher education. This has led to numerous universities across Japan to introduce liberal arts practices into the curriculum over the last twenty years. These institutions and departments have been founded with the title of International Liberal Arts, specific examples include the Department of International Liberal Arts located at Akita International University and the College of Liberal Arts and Science at Chiba University. The advent of international liberal arts education is growing in importance in Japan as can be seen by the demand for global policies and education. This study sets out to explore the development and educational philosophy of the Department of International Liberal Arts in Japan. Also, to assess international liberal arts practices among globalization in Japan as a model for the expansion of Taiwan’s international education system. To further understand trends of the internationalization of liberal arts education in Japan’s higher education system case studies from Chiba University, Akita International University, and Sophia University were conducted. These case studies explore why universities implemented international liberal arts departments and the educational meaning for faculty and students. To understand the educational experiences of faculty and students, 6 professors and 12 students from the Department of International Liberal Arts were interviewed to assess these programs. The result of the interviews revealed that International Liberal Arts Education is an excellent place for fostering global leaders. However, universities are faced with some issues, such as the difficulties of an all-English curriculum. In this study, we believe that if universities in Japan are to continue to promote international education, they must find ways to overcome these issues. It is hoped that through this study, the Taiwanese government will re-examine the current policies and resource allocation related to the internationalization of higher education, and foster new global leaders. Although higher education in Taiwan is not as well developed as in Japan, this study believes that the case of Japan can provide a strong framework for the progress of the international education system in Taiwan.


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