  • 學位論文


A Study of the Government Institution E-mail Incorporated into the Electronic Record Management Procedure

指導教授 : 林巧敏


隨著電子化政府的長期推動,電子檔案在我國政府逐漸佔據重要地位,如今,多數政府公文都以電子公文的形式產出,這些電子公文也會依據《檔案電子儲存管理實施辦法》受到管理、鑑定、歸檔,然而隨著電子郵件在各國政府機關中的廣泛使用,電子郵件是否含有應被視為檔案的內容,如同電子公文一般納入電子檔案管理作業程序,成為許多國家在檔案管理作業上的重要議題。 本研究回顧了澳洲聯邦政府、英國政府、美國聯邦政府、中國香港特別行政區政府、美國肯塔基州政府對於公務電子郵件管理、鑑定、歸檔的相關政策及規範,並對我國政府機關中的一般行政人員及檔案管理人員進行深度訪談法,探究我國公務電子郵件的使用及管理現況以及我國公務人員對公務電子郵件納入電子檔案管理作業程序之政策看法及意見。結果發現,公務電子郵件在我國政府機關傳遞公務訊息的過程中確實扮演重要角色,但目前我國各級機關對公務電子郵件的管理政策較不完整,然而各受訪者對於公務電子郵件的使用習慣迴異,對公務郵件是否應納入電子檔案管理作業程序之意見仍相當分歧,對於公務電子郵件應如何鑑定,尚未有受到普遍認同的方法,在研究者提供的三種鑑定方法中,惟美國聯邦政府目前實行的「Capstone鑑定法」成為一般行政人員及檔案管理人員兩族群的「最大公約數」。 本研究建議,我國應明文將公務電子郵件視為公共檔案的一部份,並制訂統一且完整的公務電子郵件管理政策,政策實施時也應注意部分公務員的抗拒心理,盡力排除公務人員抗拒政策之因素,至於公務郵件的鑑定方法則建議採用美國聯邦政府目前施行的「Capstone鑑定法」。


With the long-term promotion of “Electronic Government”, electronic archives gradually occupy an important position in Taiwan government. Nowadays, most of official documents are produced in electronic form. These official documents will be managed, appraised and archived according to “The Implementation Regulations for Archives on Electronic Storage”. However, while the E-mail system has been widely used in government institutions, whether E-mails should be considered to contain business content and be incorporated into the electronic record management procedure, has become an important issue on archive management in many counties. The study reviewed the business E-mail management, appraisal and archive policies and regulations of Australian Government, U.S Federal Government, U.K. Government, Kentucky State Government (U.S.) and Hong Kong S.A.R. Government (P.R.C). The study also implements in-depth interviews to review the present situation of business E-mails management in Taiwan government and general civil servants and archive management civil servant’s opinions for incorporating business E-mails into the electronic record management procedure. The research result shows that business E-mails do play an important role in the process of transmitting official information in Taiwan government institutions. However, different respondents have different habits of using official E-mails. The opinions for incorporating business E-mail into the electronic record management procedure among respondents are also very different. Moreover, there is no a widely accepted approach to appraise the value of business E-mail, among the three kinds of apprising approach provided by the researcher, only the “Capstone Approach” implemented by the U.S. Federal Government gets support in both groups of respondents The study suggests that Taiwan government should explicitly regard business E-mails as a part of the public archives, and develop a unified and complete business E-mail management policy. When implementing the policy, attention should be paid to the resistance of public servants and should do every effort to exclude the factors which could make public servants resist. As for the appraisal approach, it suggests to implement the “Capstone Approach”.


1.于國欽 (2016)。 躍進7名 電子化政府 臺全球第10。中時電子報。檢索自: http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160816000079-260202
5.民眾檢舉違反就業服務法相關規定獎勵金支給要點(民國104年09月11 日)。
