  • 學位論文


The development of Russian popular music industry and its effects on national image and culture

指導教授 : 林永芳


面對近年國內外文化意識抬頭,文化產業成為形塑軟實力的重要資源,也為各國政府更加重視。流行音樂產業作為文化產業的核心之一,釐清一國流行音樂產業的發展除有助於深入不同音樂市場,從中找出利弊當作借鏡;更能透過流行音樂產業作為個案探索一國家文化影響力的展現,並影響國內文化的發展潮流。因而,本文透過軟實力度量及相關國際指標,思考俄羅斯流行音樂產業的發展進程,以及如何體現對外國家形象與對內文化之影響。   俄羅斯流行音樂產業確實在國家形象的塑造及其文化上扮演著重要的角色。研究發現有三:第一,在俄國國家與民間同是流行音樂產業之推手,政府在政策上明訂目標計劃、編列預算與補助款,相關組織部門結構完整;產業表現具有發展潛力,音樂節與唱片公司多元多樣。第二,流行音樂產業對外展現吸引力,尤其在鄰近國家地區、僑民所在地、俄語使用人口眾多地區以及俄國人熱門旅遊地區等具有相對顯著之正面影響;第三,流行音樂產業對內在文化認同、次文化與文化符碼的形塑發揮作用,流行音樂在文化傳承與外界交流中持續融合異變,對於文化認同情感與身分歸屬產生影響,多樣面貌帶起次文化的潮流,在時裝、言語和思想上形塑特定風格,並透過歌詞與現場演出的形式,進一步轉化為影響人們行動的能量。


With the rise of cultural awareness in recent years, cultural industries have become one of the most significant soft power resources; governments have paid more attention to them. Since popular music industry is one of the core cultural industries, observing and learning from its development not only can penetrate music markets in different countries, but can explore its cultural influence of a country at home and abroad. Hence, the research focuses on the development of Russian music industry and its effect on national image and culture through soft power metrics and relevant international indexes. The findings of this research suggest the notion that popular music industry plays an important role in national image formation and its culture. First, both the public and private sectors are committed to developing the popular music industry in Russia. The government has clearly defined goals, setting up the budget and subsidies. Relevant government agencies are in a comprehensive way. There is huge potential in the industry. Music festivals and record labels diversify the business. Second, Russian popular music has relatively more attractive in neighboring countries, areas where Russian immigrants live, regions where Russian is widely spoken, and the popular tourist countries of Russian. Third, popular music has the effect on cultural identity, subculture and cultural codes in Russia. It integrates traditional and modern, internal and external elements, and strengthen cultural identity and attribution. Besides, it involves subcultures, which deeply affect people’s clothing style, language and thought. Furthermore, it further influences action through lyrics and live performances.


一、 中文部分:
(一) 專書:
李明璁,《時代迴音: 記憶中的台灣流行音樂》,台北市:大塊文化,2015年。
