  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Service Rate and Profit of Short Life Cycle Product Returns

指導教授 : 謝焸君


在全球暖化議題被重度討論下,如何力行環保已是每個國民不可逃避的責任與義務。因此我們希望從供應鏈的角度來對環境保護盡一份心力。 現今產品多元及資訊爆炸情況的下,顧客購買產品常常僅憑幾項資訊來作評斷,因此退換貨的問題日益嚴重,對公司成本也是一大負擔,有些公司甚至不提供退換貨的服務。我們從綠色供應鏈的角度來處理退貨問題:當顧客買錯的或是有點瑕疵的產品,可以透過零售商及第三方物流的收集回到製造商,讓製造商重新包裝再賣或是轉賣到二級市場。如何幫助企業願意及有效的處理逆向物流問題,甚至獲利,將是本研究探討的重點。 由於當下消費性電子產品盛行,因此易逝品的退貨值得我們來探討。故本研究以典型的逆向物流為基礎,建立一個易逝品的逆向物流模型含轉售到二級市場,利用等候理論來求出穩定系統的最大利潤。在最大利潤之下,我們分別探討製造商、第三方物流及零售商的最佳處理速度;並探討影響最佳處理速度的各項因素以及管理上的意涵。最後利用模型做出模擬分析。


Today global warming is an important issue, and environmental protection is responsibility and obligation for each civilian. Due to this, we hope to do something for our environment from perspective of supply chains. Under multivariate products and information explosion situations, a customer purchases product just depending on a few information. Thus returns cause a difficult problem day by day, and cost is an encumbrance for a firm, some companies even offer no service of products return. From the point of green supply chains: the customer return products to the retailer when they bought the wrong goods or the defect goods, then returns distribute to the manufacturer by the third party logistics. Finally, the manufacturer repackages at the original market or resells returns at the secondary market. This study focuses on how to help firms to pay more willing to disposal good return and improve reverse logistics, even to make profits. According to high-tech products currently are plagued with highly uncertain demands, such as perishable products. This paper is on the basis of the typical model of reverse logistic, thereupon propose a reverse logistic model for perishable goods and resell them for the secondary market. The model which in order to investigate maximum profits, optimize service rate is following the queueing theory. Up to this, we will investigate the environment factors related to the model and the concepts in management. Finally, we simulate for the return processing model.


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