  • 學位論文


A study on the Needs of Education and Training for Employees in Truck and Bus Repair shop

指導教授 : 陳澤明


在汽車產業中,無論是進口或國產經銷商,通常在銷售車輛時,會設立經銷據點與服務廠做為市場主要通路,並在經銷據點成立新車展示中心,精心細緻策劃產品的優質與包裝,以吸引顧客賞車,同時強調服務的品質,以優勢的售後服務作為後盾,而汽車服務廠要有一流的產品服務,更需要接受原廠的技術教育訓練,本研究旨在探討卡車及巴士從業人員對教育訓練需求之研究,分析卡車及巴士之從業人員對教育訓練需求。 本研究以卡車及巴士之經銷商,探討其所設立服務廠之從業人員對教育訓練的需求,做為問卷的主要對象。經過問卷調查的發放與回收後,統計發放數量為507份,回收計467份,回收率約92.11%,在進行SPSS 12.0軟體資料分析,扣除處理遺漏部分後,其有效問卷計435份,有效回收率約達85.79%。 進行卡車及巴士從業人員對教育訓練需求之研究分析內容,分為從業人員基本資料變項、從業人員工作內容資料變項、工作職能教育訓練的需求變項、經驗與工作處理能力變項、公共關係與協調能力變項、經營管理的能力變項及建立個人生涯管理變項等七個構面,分別以SPSS 12.0套裝軟體建構資料檔,進行問卷調查資料的分析,探討次數分配表、描述性統計量、信度分析、因素分析、雙變數相關分析及一般線性模式分析等六種分析。並利用一般線性多變量模式驗證變數間的顯著性,藉由多變量等統計工具發現問題與原因,提出研究見解及建議。


In the automotive industry, whether imported or domestic distributors, usually in the sale of vehicles, will set up a factory distribution and service locations as the main market access, and the establishment of a new car showroom Buy, careful and meticulous planning of product quality and packaging, Tour vehicles to attract customers, while emphasizing the quality of services to the advantage of after-sales service as a backup, and Automotive Services to have first-class products and services, but also need the original technical education and training, this study was to investigate the truck and bus Education and training needs of the research, analysis trucks and buses on the education and training needs of employees. In this study, the distributor trucks and buses to explore the plant they set up a service on the education and training needs of employees, as the main target of the questionnaire. After the release and recycling survey, the statistical distribution for the 507 number, total recovery of 467, the recovery rate of about 92.11%, during the SPSS data analysis software, after deduction of handling missing part, the 435 valid questionnaires, the effective rate Approximately 85.79%. For trucks and buses on the education and training needs of employees in research and analysis of the contents of basic information into the variables employed, employing data variable work content, work education and training needs of the functions of variables, experience and work capacity variables, public Variable relations and coordination, business management variables and the ability to create a personal career management variables in seven dimensions, in order to construct software package SPSS 12.0 data file for the analysis of survey data to explore the frequency distribution, descriptive Statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, bivariate correlation analysis and general linear model analysis of six analysis. Using the general linear multivariate model validation between the significant variables, by multivariate statistical tools to identify problems and other reasons, the proposal to examine the views and recommendations.


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