  • 學位論文


An Intensity-Controlled Wireless Stimulator for Pain Relief

指導教授 : 邱弘緯


本論文利用無線傳電的技術應用於植入式電刺激器雛形系統電路的開發,主要針對神經病變或是神經損傷所產生的疼痛,並給予射頻脈衝(PRF)電療刺激治療,將疼痛的訊號阻斷。   植入式電刺激器雛形系統電路與功率放大器構成閉迴路系統,當使用者下達射頻脈衝(PRF)電療、低頻刺激(LFS)電療及電壓偵測的功能時,控制訊號的封包與功率放大器1MHz會以ASK調變方式耦合到刺激器。透過刺激器的解調電路解封包並送入MCU做判斷,MCU會依照封包內容輸出不同的功能。當植入式電刺激器在電刺激治療或是電壓偵測時,會將刺激器工作電壓的資訊透過ASK 433MHz發射端傳遞給功率放大器的ASK 433MHz接收端,並透過MCU的判斷去控制升壓式直流轉直流轉換器的輸出電壓,達成功率放大器強度可控制的閉迴路系統架構。


The study involves the design of the implantable stimulator using the technique of the wireless power transmission. Our goal is the treatment of the nervous disease which causes pain by using block the transmission of the pain signal to the brain.   The stimulation is closed loop from an external power source to the implantable stimulator. The stimulator is powered up and controlled by the external power source. When a stimulator function or mode is selected, the control signal packet, mixed in the 1MHz of power source, generates ASK modulation and demodulator by the implantable stimulator. The demodulation circuit of stimulator demodulates the packet and then it sends to MCU for processing. MCU can change the output stimulation waveform depending on control signal. When operating at the mode of the voltage regulation, the stimulator will sample the supply voltage of MCU, and then feedback it from Tx to Rx of power amplifier. The external MCU will demodulate the package received from power amplifier’s Rx. According to this demodulated package, MCU could control the output voltage of DC-DC boost converter. Thus, the system is closed loop for voltage regulation.


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