  • 學位論文


System of Implanted High Voltage Stimulator

指導教授 : 邱弘緯


本論文利用無線傳電技術應用於植入式高電壓刺激器系統的開發,針對神經病變或損傷所產生的疼痛,給予神經脈衝射頻(Pulsed Radio-Frequency , PRF)電刺激治療,將痛覺訊號暫時性阻斷其傳導至大腦,以減輕患者的疼痛。 植入式高壓電刺激器與功率放大器構成閉迴路系統,使用者透過功率放大器將能量耦合到刺激器後,刺激器即會對神經進行脈衝射頻電刺激治療,同時執行電壓偵測,由MCU將PRF電刺激振幅透過脈衝寬度調變(PWM)產生出頻率為50KHz的OOK調變封包,並對封包進行曼徹斯特編碼後送出,封包透過皮膚傳遞回一次側的功率放大器,功率放大器使用積體電路U2270B將回傳資料作曼徹斯特解碼還原成二進位訊號,還原後的資料送入功率放大器的MCU進行判斷,由MCU的DAC模組去迴授控制升壓式直流轉直流轉換器的輸出電壓,並將輸出電壓作為功率放大器的電源,以達成功率放大器強度可控制的閉迴路系統架構。


The study involves the design of the implanted high voltage stimulator using the technique of the wireless power transmission. Our purpose is the treatment of the neuropathy disease which causes pain by using pulsed radio-frequency to the nervous. This therapy can temporary block the transmission of the pain signals to the brain to relieve the patient's pain. The system of stimulator is closed loop from the external power source to the implanted electrical stimulator. The stimulator is powered by the external power source. When the stimulator is powered by the external power source, the stimulator outputs PRF stimulative treatment to the nervous, and then stimulator will sample PRF waveform amplitude. MCU use PWM module to produce Manchester encoding with OOK modulation packet. This packet’s frequency is 50KHz. The implanted stimulator transmits the packet back to the power source by skin. The power source use IC U2270B to decode the packet. According to this decoded packet, MCU could control the DAC output to change the output voltage of DC-DC boost converter. The power source use the output voltage of DC-DC boost converter as the power amplifier’s supply voltage. Thus, the system of stimulator is closed loop for voltage regulation.


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