  • 學位論文


The Influence of Credit Card Reward Program to Middle Class Credit Card Holder’s Preference

指導教授 : 邱垂昱 陳凱瀛


世界經濟環環相扣,因為美國次貸風暴造成骨牌效應波及至全世界,形成全球金融風暴。首當其衝的是以出口導向為主的台灣身受其害,總體市場低迷。在此金融巨浪環境下,對於社會大眾而言,開始節省開銷。現在社會出現大眾喜愛使用信用卡消費,順便累積紅利積點,以進一步換取民生商品之新現象,一改過去信用卡點數換取精品或高層次商品現象。 本研究欲探討於全球經濟衰退和通貨膨脹環境下,台灣信用卡持卡人對於紅利積點兌換商品之偏好是否改變,以實用性民生物資商品為主軸。採用自變數為(1)同業/異業結盟程度,其二分變項值為高與低,(2)紅利累計時間,其二分變項值為長與短作檢定分析,並將依變數為積點兌換偏好,其包含精品和民生用品與自變數分析檢驗整體貢獻度。問卷資料分析方法包含敘述性統計分析及邏輯斯迴歸模型(Logistic Regression),並使用SPSS12.0統計分析軟體來分析。研究結果得到當同業/異業結盟程度低和紅利積點累積時間為固定期間時,皆會使信用卡持卡人對於民生商品偏好增加。


Staring from early 2008, the subprime mortgage crisis has been causing serious damage to the US fiancial market and its impact has been spread to the entire world. Taiwan, as an important trading partner with most of the countries in the world, is inevitably been impacted due to its export-driven economy nature. Under this circumstance, consumers began to control their expense and use their money more wisely. Meanwhile, it is found that they behaved to start to use their credit card bonus credit in exchange for daily household goods instead of luxuious goods. In this study, in order to check out how general customers behave on credit card based consumption, we focused on analyzing whether there is any difference among Taiwan credit card holders’ preference for credit card reward program. We took daily household goods as the target of this research. Two variables are applied to this study: (1) The level of alliance(including homogenius/ hetrogenius alliance) ; (2) The tenor for bonus credit accumulation event. Both descriptive statistic and logistic regression are used, and the SPSS12.0 is processed as the analytic tool. The result shows that credit card holders would prefer shopping more daily household goods than other products in two situations: a. The alliance level between banks and retailers is low; b. The event for credit bonus accumulation is in fixed period type.


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