  • 學位論文

應用FMEA建立有害物質風險評估機制 -以電子產品製造廠為例

Developing HSF FMEA Risk Assessment Approach for Electronic Manufacturer

指導教授 : 林榮禾


近年來,環保意識抬頭,相關之環境法規也陸續的被制定,其中EU RoHS 2002/95/EC的生效,對電子產業產生極大的衝擊。為了達到EU RoHS的要求,除了製程技術的轉換外,如何利用設計、採購及製造等流程之管理,達到產品成份限用有害物質的管制目的,便也成為電子產品製造廠的另一大課題,於是IECQ QC 080000有害物質流程管理系統便因應而生。 許多企業導入IECQ QC 080000時,為求減少投入資源,常直接參照顧問建議擬定管制機制,對於機制是否適切於企業,則陷入只知其然不知其所以然之境地,無法展現環保品質規劃之能力。另外企業亦面臨強大的外部壓力,產品若不符法規,企業的財務與商譽將有嚴重損失,更甚而危及企業永續經營的願景。 面對如此銳不可當的綠色環保壓力,企業應建立一套有規劃且有效的管制機制來因應,於是本研究應用FMEA手法發展「有害物質風險評估機制」,提供企業一個執行風險評估及發掘有害物質管制重點的方法與步驟。電子產品製造廠可藉由有害物質風險評估結果來擬定適切的管理程序,實現綠色產品生產的品質目標。也由於綠色產品的生產與管制是在一個有邏輯與架構的系統下進行,企業除了可以取得客戶信賴與認同外,並可藉由綠色生產品質目標的實現與不斷改善,取得進入國際性市場的通行證,並擁有永續立足於產業的綠色核心競爭力。


In recent years, due to the rise of environmental awareness, increasingly strict environmental regulations have started to be developed and implemented. The European regulations for restriction of hazardous substance (EU RoHS, 2002/95/EC) entered into force in 2006, and has had a huge impact on the electronics industry. In order to be compliant with the EU RoHS regulation, all components and soldering process have to be changed. In addition to the conversion of soldering technology, the control for design, procurement and assembly process should also be strictly regulated. IECQ QC 080000 (Hazardous Substance Process Management System) was formed to manage this. In order to reduce investment in resources, some companies are often in accordance with the consultant’s recommendations or refer to other corporate practices to develop the IECQ QC 080000 control mechanisms. The result is that companies only know what is done, but not why it is done. Companies also face strong external pressure. If the product is non-compliant with environmental regulations, this can have a serious financial impact, and the reputation of company will be seriously affected, potentially threatening the sustainability of the business. Facing this regulatory pressure, companies must establish a planning and effective hazardous substance control mechanism . The research presented here provides a HSF(hazardous substance free) FMEA risk assessment approach for identifying the major control points that can help companies build well-planned hazardous substance control procedures . By planning the control procedure for IECQ QC 080000 and achieving green manufacturing in a logical framework of processes, companies can simultantously receive the trust and recognition of customers and keep green core competence for sustainable development.


Green Product HSF RoHS QC080000 HSPM Risk Assessment FMEA


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