  • 學位論文


A Study on Using FT Bio-Diesel Fuel Adding hydrogen in intake manifold of DI Diesel Engine

指導教授 : 林百福


本研究於單汽缸直噴式柴油引擎進氣歧管添加氫氣,在不改變單缸直噴式柴油引擎的本體結構與設計參數的情況下,利用FT80生質柴油和FT80+ H2的混合燃料之兩種燃料進行實驗,就其兩種燃料之能源效率、廢氣濃度排放、排氣溫度以及燃燒特性等差異,評估氫氣添加於FT生質柴油之效益。實驗顯示,FT80+ H2混合燃料的熱值比FT80燃料高,因此FT80+ H2混合燃料之能源效率均高於FT80燃料4.09%;FT80+ H2混合燃料廢氣排放smoke濃度值、HC濃度值各減低17.38%、12.91%;NOx濃度值、EGT值各增加3.77%、1.34%;燃燒特性驗證FT80+ H2混合燃料的著火延遲結束時間提早,因此smoke濃度值減低;又由於初期預混合燃燒階段提前,該階段的結束時間亦有提前,因此NOx濃度值增加、HC濃度值減低;後燃階段兩種燃料的熱釋放率近似,但由於氫氣燃料的熱值較高,因此EGT值較FT80燃料高。


This study was a single cylinder direct injection diesel engine intake manifold to add hydrogen, without changing the single-cylinder direct injection diesel engine body structure and design parameters of the case, experimental FT80 and FT80 + H2 mixed etc two types of fuel, discuss the two kinds of fuel energy efficiency, exhaust emissions concentrations, exhaust temperature and combustion characteristics etc differences,assessment of hydrogen added to the benefits of FT biodiesel. Experiments show that, FT80 + H2 mixed fuel heat value of fuel higher than the FT80, so FT80 + H2 mixed fuel energy efficiency higher than FT80 4.09%;FT80 + H2 mixed fuel emission smoke concentration, HC concentration values of the were reduced 17.38%、12.91%;NOx concentration, EGT value of the were increase 3.77%、1.34%;combustion characteristics verify FT80 + H2 mixed fuel ignition delay time for early end, so to reduce smoke concentration;and because the initial premixed combustion phase advance, the phase of the end time has advanced, therefore increasing the value of NOx concentration, HC concentration reduction;late combustion phase two kinds of fuel heat release rate close to, but because hydrogen fuel Calorific value higher than the FT80 fuel , so EGT values higher than the FT80.


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