  • 學位論文


A Study on the Management Strategy for Excellent Senior Vocational Schools

指導教授 : 張嘉育


本研究旨在建構優質高級職業學校之經營管理策略,以及探析這些學校經營管理的實際策略應用、遭遇問題及其解決方式,採用文獻分析、焦點團體訪談、修正式德懷術及深度訪談等方式來達成研究的目的。 經文獻分析歸納出訪談題綱後,辦理兩場焦點團體訪談,由13位專家匯集的意見編製修正式德懷術問卷初稿,再由15位專家參與修正式德懷術,所歸納出的經營管理策略以深度訪談方式,瞭解優質高職經營管理策略運用的實務經驗,最後根據研究發現提出以下結論。 一、優質高級職業學校經營管理策略包括七大層面,依各層面之重要性為學校領導、學校行政、課程教學、學生學習、環境設備、學生輔導及資源整合。 二、優質高級職業學校經營管理策略包括33項策略,依策略之重要性的前六項為研訂校本課程、營造溫馨氣氛、落實分層負責、加強生活教育、重視安全維護及改善教學設施。 三、學校領導層面的實際策略為由行政同仁先自我要求;學校行政層面為兼顧各單位組織效能;課程教學層面為以學生最大受益進行設計;學生學習層面為先建立學習信心;環境設備層面為提供安全的學習情境;學生輔導層面為重視生活態度的養成;資源整合層面是強化親師溝通。 四、優質高級職業學校經營管理可能遭致老師、職員、家長及社區人員阻礙、辦理業務費用不足,以及法規和政策改變之人事、經費及法令等問題。 五、優質高級職業學校經營管理問題最有效的解決方式為溝通協調及主動付出。 根據上述研究結論,對如何提升高級職業學校經營管理,以及進一步研究的問題提出建議。


The purpose of this study is to analyze the management strategies practiced by the excellent senior vocational schools (ESVS), the problems encountered and their solutions so as to identify the effective management strategies for ESVS. Qualitative research methods were employed for the study, which included literature analysis, focus group interviews, Modified Delphi technique, and in-depth interviews. The literature review established the guidelines for the focus group interviews. The focus group consisted of 13 experts. Based on their feedback the first draft of the Modified Delphi technique was created. A total of 15 experts were invited to participate in this Modified Delphi study. The results revealed specific successful management strategies. Finally, in-depth interviews were used to further understand key practices of quality management in the senior vocational schools. The following conclusions were derived from these research results. 1.Seven dimensions were identified as the management strategies among excellent senior vocational schools, and they are as follows, school leadership, school administration, teaching and curriculum, student learning, environment and equipment, student counseling, and resource integration. 2.Thirty-three strategies were identified as the management strategies among excellent senior vocational schools, and the most important management strategies are as follows, establishing school-based curriculum, creating a warm atmosphere, implementing decentralization, enhancing life education, and maintaining safety, and improving of teaching facilities. 3.The practical strategies include the staff’s self-discipline for school leadership, organizational efficiency for school administration, effective instructional design for teaching curriculum, learning confidence for student learning, safe learning situation for environment and equipment, attitude cultivation for student counseling, and communication between students and teachers for resource integration. 4.Excellent senior vocational schools management may be protest by teachers, staff, parents and community members, lack of funding for the implementation of tasks, and regulations and policy changes. That is, may be confronted by the difficulties of personnel, budget, and legal problems. 5.The most effective solutions for management difficulties are communication, negotiation, and devotion. Based on the conclusions, suggestions as how to promote the management of excellent senior vocational schools, as well as further studies on the issue were proposed.




