  • 學位論文


The Study on Fire Resistance for Composite Rolling Shutters

指導教授 : 林至聰


防火捲門是現階段設計建築防火區劃時常用的手法之一,因防火捲門為可變 動之防火區劃,在建築設計上可利用可變式之機動性,運用於建築大空間之規劃 設計,然而目前國內建築防火材料中之防火捲門大多採用金屬材料,無法符合現 行建築技術規則中對防火區劃之阻熱性要求。 本研究突破傳統思維,利用石膏板、陶瓷棉、防火膠條、防煙條及烤漆鋼板 等材料作為整體防火捲門的設計及組裝,組裝尺寸1200mm×1200mm 之防火捲門 進行小型加熱爐耐火試驗,同時以火災動態模擬軟體FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) 模擬複合式防火捲門非受火面背溫變化分析,以相同材質但以不同厚度及密度進 行模擬,獲得此複合材料之背溫變化之基礎資料,再與小型加熱爐試驗結果互相 驗證。 於加熱試驗中,複合式捲門四組試體之背面平均溫度及最高溫度皆能符合現 行建築用防火捲門耐火試驗法之標準,試體中平均溫度未超過170℃,試驗中在任 一位置之溫度(包括移動式熱電偶所測者) 未超過210℃,達到1 小時的遮焰性及 阻熱性。本次研究採用之1200mm×1200mm 尺寸複合式捲門之試驗結果,能符合 規範之要求,因此將可提供未來全尺寸設計之防火時效測試之參考,以確實達到 防火區劃設計阻熱性之性能要求。


防火捲門 防火區劃 阻熱性 FDS


Design of fire compartment on fire accident for buildings can be movable and variable by the usage of fire preventing rolling shutters. However, most of the existed rolling shutters were unable to preventing the heat and smoke on fire cause of the metal materials, and the gaps between the rolling plates. Main objective of this study is to research and develop the fire preventing metal rolling Shutters with the Gypsum board, Intumescent strip, Ceramic fiber in-filled the rolling metal plate. The simulator program FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) is used to design the test specimens while the simulations of temperature distributed on the metal Shutters was obtained from the heating models. The dimensions of the four specimens are 1200 mm × 1200 mm with different thickness. The results of heating test showed that the composite rolling Shutters proposed in this study were effective in preventing the heat and keeping out the smoke from the heating system. The temperature distributed in one hour heating not only had average limited to 170℃ but also 210℃ at any location on the opposite heating sides of all specimens whick were allowable with the current fire preventing code. The proposed composite rolling shutters was referable to the emergency area on fire accident and the FDS program can be used to for desiging the shutters to prevent fire insulation and fire integrity.


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