  • 學位論文


Research and Experiment on the Fire Resistance of Metal Rolling Gates

指導教授 : 林裕昌


臺灣建築技術規則第七十九條要求,作為防火區劃之防火設備應具有一小時以上阻熱性。而現今市售防火鐵捲門均以不銹鋼、鋁材料居多,無法符合法規規定,故本研究將進行初探性的防火鐵捲門相關耐火試驗,作為瞭解其阻熱性之依據。 本試驗將以中國國家標準CNS12514 A3305「建築物構造部份之耐火試驗法」作標準,由於小型加熱爐耗費時間與成本過高,故本研究先以FDS電腦模擬,再進行小型加熱爐試驗,以期獲得阻熱性能之基礎資料與是否符合相關規範之要求。本研究成果如下: 一、FDS電腦模擬 不銹鋼板(0.12cm)內夾陶瓷板(5cm),可達建築技術規則七十九條之規範。 二、小型加熱爐試驗 1.W1鋁板試體,依照CNS12514 「建築物構造部耐火試驗法」之標準,經過一小時防火試驗,測點最高溫於58分02秒時阻熱性失敗:測點平均溫度於51分06杪時阻熱性失敗。 2.W2不銹鋼試體,依照CNS12514 「建築物構造部耐火試驗法」之標準,經過一小時防火試驗,測點最高溫度低於試驗法要求<210℃;測點平均溫度低於試驗法要求<170℃,本試體判定達到CNS12514之標準。


Article 79 of the Taiwan Building Code requires that fire resistant structure used for fire blockage must sustain at least one hour of fire. However fire resistant metal rolling gates in the market are mostly made of stainless steel or aluminum, which does not conform to regulations. In this study, we will take a preliminary look at the related fire resistant tests of metal rolling gates, as well to serve as evidence in understanding its fire resisting features. In this test, we will use China’s national standard CNS12514 A3305, “Fire Resistant Test for Building Structures” as standard. Since the small size heating furnace requires much time and is high in cost, this study will utilize the FDS computer simulation first, and then proceed with heating furnace test. We hope to achieve fundamental information on fire resistant features, as well as find out whether they conform to regulations. The results are as follows: 1. FDS Computer Simulation Ceramic plate (5cm) covered with stainless steel plate (0.12cm) conforms to Article 79 of the Building Code. 2. Small Size Heating Furnace Test (1) After one hour of testing under the CNS12514 “Fire Resistant Test for Building Structures” standard, the W1 aluminum test specimen’s maximum temperature was registered at 58 min 02 sec failing the test; the average temperature was registered at 51 min 06 sec failing the test. (2) After one hour of testing under the CNS12514 “Fire Resistant Test for Building Structures” standard, the W2 stainless steel test specimen’s maximum temperature was registered at less than the required <210℃; the average temperature was registered at less than the required <170℃. The W2 test specimen is determined to conform to the CNS12514 standard.


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