  • 學位論文


Distributor Selection criteria analysis for mixed signal IDM company in the semiconductor industry

指導教授 : 盧大平


通路體系中的製造商、中間商、經銷商或代理商,都有可能成為通路中的領導者,並主導通路成員的行動。電子產業供給鏈之一環—半導體中游通路代理商,扮演產銷之間的重要橋樑本研究主要目的是建構半導體零組件代理商的評估模式,以供上游製造商作為評選代理商決策之參考。本研究之評估構面分為:代理商運行面、公司整體背景面、銷售/技術支持管理構面建構出其相對應的評估準則,相關構面及準則係透過焦點團體經過二次的討論而產生。並利用Fuzzy AHP 法取得重要影響因素之相對權重,再利用模糊理論之方法求取各準則之模糊績效值,最後則透過實際面談方式選定二間上市半導體零組件開發商,做方案之優勢排序,以驗證此評估模式之可行性。透過本研究之建議,以提供國內半導體相關業者未來發展方向之參考。


供應商選擇 FAHP


In semiconductor IC component supply chain the distributor or agent is intermediate between semiconductor IC design house and customer. They are most sensitivity in real market and economic trend. Semiconductor IC design house could sense worldwide economic status depend on distributor order information and current product market trend from customer visit report so distributor selection is very important process when IC design house would like increase market share in the worldwide. The Thesis through FG (focus group)/ FAHP algorithm to figure out criteria weighting and priority the sales/ technology management is most important domain in IC design house selection distributor. Finally the thesis could be one of reference option when IC design house select new distributor in the market.


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