  • 學位論文


Windows Programming of Real-time Simulation of Distillation Column

指導教授 : 林顯聖


蒸餾塔在化工程序中是屬於較難控制的非線性程序,尤其當塔頂與塔底都要進行溫度控制時,二個溫度控制環路會對抗地非常厲害,故一般工廠不可能允許生手去調諧蒸餾塔的控制器,初學者想要學習蒸餾塔控制器的調諧,最好的方法就是借助模擬程式。本研究希望利用個人電腦開發一座酒精-水蒸餾塔之即時動態模擬視窗程式,整體操作和觀念能完全模仿真實系統,並能提供不同之塔徑及控制結果之自動記錄及繪製,期望能透過良好的人機介面設計,讓使用者有像在操作真實蒸餾塔一樣的感覺,進而提高學習效率。 程式的建構首先是將蒸餾塔中各板層及不同操作單元分別列出其質量、能量與相平衡方程式,並建立成一個一個副程式模組,利用Visual Basic 6.0撰寫程式的視窗介面,並將蒸餾塔即時動態模擬模組與圖形介面及附加功能整合成一體,期望整體的畫面與操作就像一般Windows應用程式一樣平易近人。最後並以二種不同控制策略進行蒸餾塔模擬程序的調諧研究,從研究結果可知開發完成的蒸餾塔即時動態模擬視窗程式已具備供初學者學習如何調諧蒸餾塔之功能。


The distillation towers are very nonlinear processes. There are two temperature control loops fighting each other fiercely in that, so it is very difficult to tune both control loops. As a result, it is impossible to allow the beginners to tune the controller in factory. If the beginners want to study the controller tuning of distillation tower, the best method is through the process simulator. For this purpose, our research will develop a real-time dynamic simulation Windows program of distillation tower. We expect that all the operations of the control system could be the same as the real system. Besides, the program has the functions of different diameter simulation, data record and figure plot. It is also hoped that through Man-Machine Interface design, the program will let users have the same feeling as operating the true distillation tower and improve their learning efficiency. We start to develop program with solving the mass balance, energy balance and phase equilibrium equations of the different operation units and then construct them to be a series of subroutine models. Visual Basic Programming language was used to develop the operating interface combining the subroutine models. Finally, two different control strategies were applied in the simulated distillation tower process. From the results, it is shown that our program can be used for beginners to study how to tune the control systems of distillation tower.


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