  • 學位論文


The Case Study About The Determinants of Taiwan Enterprises' Direct Investment in Vietnam.

指導教授 : 廖森貴


本研究的主要目的為,探討台灣企業進入越南直接投資決策考量之影響因素。據官方資料指出,台灣企業從上世紀五十年代開始到越南尋找投資之機會。經60年來,雖然很多方面需要克服,但越南台商獲取不少成功。這些成功值得受到學術界關注,進一步更加深入探討,因此本文選擇越南台商為自己研究對象。 本研究從文獻探討,訪談專家業者推論台灣企業因受母國(台灣)投資環境惡化,投入成本不斷提高,市場規模又小,他們因此必須考慮到海外投資之路。由於文化,種族關係,大陸從早已成為台商最偏愛投資之地點。然而,台商後來發現自己投資最多之地主國(大陸)目前顯然存在了一些投資風險因素;而同時越南因社會、經濟環境不斷改革、開放讓該國家目前整體環境擁有比大陸優勢之因素,導致部分台商認為當他們決定向海外擴大時,反而越南可成為優先選擇之地區。本研究從三大構面︰越南投資環境、台灣投資環境、中國投資環境挑選共22主要因素針對越南台灣企業進行問卷調查。本研究篩選後針對30份由海外投資決策參與者填答之問卷進行分析構面間、因素間相對權重,目的瞭解最影響台灣企業越南直接投資的決定因素。 研究結果發現台灣企業直接投資流出之因素最優先考慮為台灣經濟不景氣,增長空間小;土地取得困難,基地少,以及雖然目前不發生缺短勞動,工廠可以聘請外勞,但勞動力成本還比越南和大陸高幾倍之勞動力成本高因素。而且,,越南台商不選擇到大陸去是因為大陸原來最有吸引力的優勢即生產投入成本低目前產生大變化。生產成本包含勞動力成本及土地成本高導致台灣企業需要尋找新的投資基地。根據越南投審部公佈資料,台商這幾年維持外資流入越南最多之地區,超過韓國及日本。越南能吸引台商最重要為政治穩定、治安好,投資風險可降到最低;其餘為投資優惠及勞動力充沛與市場增長空間大。員工充足能幫廠商達到最高產能,供給當地需求大之市場能亦構成台商的重要決定因素。


Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an important role in economic growth and development, especially for developing country they lacks capital. The determinants of FDI have been widely examined. Most research have focused on study many host countries in the world. However, little research has been done in understanding the Taiwan enterprise’s investment in Vietnam. This study investigate the determinants of Taiwan enterprises outward FDI in Vietnam. Because Taiwan enterprise were worry about their motherland (taiwan)’s investment environment was getting worse, but detected that China, Taiwan largest investment host country, implied some investment risks factor at that time, meanwhile, Vietnam possessed given advantages therefore Taiwan enterprise believed that Vietnam was the best choice for carrying on the business. The research chose 22 influence factors from three constructs: Vietnam investment environment, Taiwan investment environment and China investment environment Using survey questionnaire sent to Vietnam’sTaiwan Enterprise. After review, 30 questionnaires which were filled by decision-markers to be used. The examine used AHP evaluating each pair of construct and each pair of factor at a given level on the model for their relative weight. The result indicated that, the priorities which Taiwan enterprise direct investment outward flows take into account was Taiwan economy recession, land taking difficulty and labor cost rise of three factors, although Taiwan haven’t lacked labor now, firms can recruited foreign labor, but salary are also higher than Vietnam and China. Also, The Vietnam’s Taiwan enterprise still had not chosen into China because the host country most attractive factor, input cost low, had changed. China’s labor cost and land price rising make Taiwan enterprise to needed seeking new investment location. According Vietnam ministry of foreign investment announced data, Taiwan is the area where invested largest in Vietnam, exceed South Korea and Japan. Vietnam can attract the Taiwan firm via political stable, public security well factors, its can help investors reduce their risk; Other important factors is Vietnam investment policy incentives, the labor force sufficient and local market growth rate high. The labor force sufficient can help the manufacturer to gain the highest production capacity, supplies to local market that why these factors became Taiwan enterprise’s determining factor.


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