  • 學位論文


A Study on the Job Stress and Coping Methods of Private Vocational High School Teachers with Administrative Duties

指導教授 : 張嘉育


本研究旨在探討私立高職學校兼任行政職務教師主要工作壓力來源、壓力程度、壓力因應方式及其在不同背景變項下之差異。期盼藉研究結果所提具體建議,能幫助私立高職學校兼任行政職務教師減輕工作壓力,促進其身心健康。 研究採問卷調查法,對象為教育部統計處公布之99學年度臺灣地區61所私立高級職業學校為母群,以25%比例抽樣16校,對兼任行政職務教師發出166份問卷,回收有效問卷119份,有效可用率71.69%。經過資料整理及統計分析,獲得以下七項結論。 壹、私立高職學校兼任行政職務教師主要工作壓力來源為「時間壓力」、「行政負荷」及「政策壓力」。 貳、在年齡上,40歲以上兼任行政職務教師對工作壓力來源之「學生家長」向度感受程度顯著高於39歲以下教師。 參、就學校規模來說,大型學校兼任行政職務教師對整體工作壓力來源感受程度高於中型學校。在「政策壓力」向度,大型學校感受程度高於中型及小型學校;在「行政負荷」、「人際關係」及「角色衝突」等三個向度,大型學校之感受程度較中型學校為高。 肆、私立高職學校兼任行政職務教師對工作壓力整體感受,屬於中高壓力程度。 伍、私立高職兼任行政職務教師對整體工作壓力程度之感受,因學校規模不同而有顯著差異,但無法比較其間差異大小情形。 陸、私立高職學校兼任行政職務教師之主要工作壓力因應方式為「尋求支持」。 柒、不同背景變項之私立高職學校兼任行政職務教師,最常使用之工作壓力因應方式為「尋求支持」。 根據以上研究結果進行討論分析,形成結論及建議,供相關教育行政機關、私立高職學校、兼任行政職務教師及後續研究參考。


The study aims to explore major sources of job stress, the stress degree, coping methods and variations of different backgrounds varieties of private vocational high school teachers with administrative duties. Synthesizing the conclusions of the study, the concrete suggestions are proposed to help private vocational high school teachers with administrative duties to relieve job stress and promote the health of body and mind. In the research methodology, a questionnaire was used to collect the data. This research took 61 private vocational high schools in Taiwan according to Department of Statistics as the population in the school year in 2010 by a ratio of 25% and sample of 16 schools. The research issued 166 questionnaires to teachers with administrative duties. There were 119 effective questionnaires and the returning rates of the questionnaire was 71.69%. By Studying and analyzing the collected data and information reach the following seven conclusions reached as follows: 1.The major source of job stress of teachers with administrative duties includes “time stress”, “administrative dutiesload”, and “policy stress.” 2.For teachers with administrative duties who are age above 40, their degree of source of job stress based on “students and parents” is much higher than that of those who are age below 39. 3.In terms of school size, the overall degree of job stress of teachers with administrative duties in larger schools is higher than that of teachers with administrative duties in medium schools. In terms of “policy stress”, the degree in larger schools is higher than that in medium and smaller schools but it cannot compare between medium schools and smaller schools. In terms of “administrative workload”, “interpersonal relationship” and “role conflict”, the degree in larger schools is higher than that in medium and smaller schools. 4.Job stress of teachers with administrative duties is above the average. 5.The overall degree of job stress of teachers with dministrative duties varies significantly based on school size, but it cannot compare with the difference. 6.The major coping methods of job stress of teachers with administrative duties is “support seeking.” 7.The most common coping methods of job stress of different backgrounds varieties of private vocational high school teachers with administrative duties is “support seeking.”




